LRS Quick Reference - codes and abbreviations
RPT Admin (Unlicensed)
Table of Contents |
Application Types (correct as of 21 September 2015)
AN | Advance Notice | |
AP | Automatic Plot | |
AS | Add share | Can only be created via Title Workdesk |
CU | Conditions Update | Removed from create list 8/12/14 |
CX | Correction Case | Removed from create list 8/12/14 |
DW | Dealing with Whole | |
EX | Title Extract | |
FA | First Add to | |
FR | First Registration | |
FS | First Share | Can only be created via Title Workdesk |
IC | Internal Correction | |
KR | Keeper induced registration | |
LC | Land Certificate | Removed from create list 8/12/14 |
MD | Model Entry | Removed from create list |
NR | Noting on Register | Removed from create list 8/12/14 |
OC | Office Copy | Removed from create list 8/12/14 |
RR | Rectification of Register | |
SC | Substitute Certificates | Removed from create list |
TA | Transfer add to | |
TC | Land /Charge Certificate to correspond | Removed from create list 8/12/14 |
TP | Transfer of Part | |
TS | Transfer of share | Can only be created via Title Workdesk |
TU | Title Sheet Update | |
VA | Voluntary Add to | |
VR | Voluntary Registration |
Application Types – auto import on create rules (correct as of 24 November 2015)
- FR sProcess_as FR aClone_sections [ ]
- DW sProcess_as DW aClone_sections ['A', 'C', 'D', 'S']
- TP sProcess_as TP aClone_sections [ ]
- RR sProcess_as CX aClone_sections ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'S']
- TU sProcess_as CX aClone_sections ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'S']
- IC sProcess_as CX aClone_sections ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'S']
- FA sProcess_as DW aClone_sections ['A', 'C', 'D', 'S']
- TA sProcess_as TA aClone_sections ['A', 'C', 'D', 'S']
- AP sProcess_as FR aClone_sections [ ]
- AN sProcess_as NT aClone_sections [ ]
- FS sProcess_as FR aClone_sections [ ]
- AS sProcess_as CX aClone_sections ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'S']
- TS sProcess_as TP aClone_sections [ ]
- EX sProcess_as CX aClone_sections ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'S']
- VR sProcess_as FR aClone_sections [ ]
- VA sProcess_as DW aClone_sections ['A', 'C', 'D', 'S']
- KR sProcess_as FR aClone_sections [ ]
Property Codes
The Property type field will be completed depending on which of the following categories the subjects fall within. These codes are input for all applications.
A = Agricultural
C = Commercial
F = Forestry
L = Land
R = Residential
O = Other
More than one Property Code applicable:
C & R = C
C & L = C
C & O = C
R & L = R
R & O = R
L & O = L
For example, a pub/shop with a flat attached (C & R) would be entered with a property code C.
Title Status Codes
DFu | Draft unconfirmed |
DFc | Draft confirmed |
RG | Registered |
DA | Draft Amalgamated/Absorbed |
AM | Registered as Amalgamated/Absorbed |
DC | Draft Closed |
CL | Registered as Closed |
DX | Draft Cancelled |
XX | Registered as Cancelled |
2012 Act title types on title workdesk (correct as of 23 July 2015)
Abb | Title Type |
79 | 1979 Act Titles |
12 | Simple 2012 Act Titles |
SP | Shared Plot |
Application Status Codes
The entry with the asterisk after the Application No. is the Application currently being viewed.
P | Provisional |
K | Confirmed |
*K*n* | Confirmed - generate Public Next Application Note upon completion (except TP/TA) |
*K*r* | Confirmed - to be retained upon completion (TP/TA only) |
C | Complete |
R | Retained |
X | Cancelled |
D | Deleted |
Only Confirmed Applications can have their status appended with an indicator of:
- *r to denote if the application is to be retained ( only for TPs/TAs ) or
- *n if a Public Next Application Note is to be generated (except TP/TA).
Attached/Related Application Codes
N.B. The letters shown against any Application may change depending on which Application in the list is being viewed. The Application being viewed is indicated by an * next to its entry in the Att/Rel Apps. box. The first letter denotes the relationship to the Title (this is viewed within the Applications affecting the Title).
First Letter | Second Letter | |||
M | Master of the current set of Applications | m | master | |
A | Attached to the current set's Master | a | attached | |
P | Applications against the Parent Title | |||
T | Transfers out of this Title | |||
U | Unattached to the current set (See Note 1) | |||
L | Link to Shared Plot |
Therefore the two letters need to be read together to get all combinations e.g. :-
Um | This is a case which is not attached to any other Application but is related to the Application being viewed. |
Ua | This is an Application which is not attached to the Application being viewed but is attached to another Application |
Tm | This is a TP which is a Master Application |
1. Any Application marked "+U" signifies that this is an Application to be attached.
2. M and A should really be shown as Mm and Aa according to these rules but are shortened.
Class (formerly priority) Codes
0 | NO CLASS | To be used when an application is a straightforward sale from a granter to an applicant for a certain consideration |
1 | CONFIRMATION OF A LIMITED COMPANY STANDARD SECURITY | To be used when a Standard Security by a Limited Company is included in an application i.e. Standard Security by Fords Motors Limited in favour of Abbey National Plc. Occasionally confirmations will be give for Applications containing Securities by individuals acting on behalf of a Limited company i.e. major ownership schemes.This service is given in order that the Solicitor can register the deed with the Registrar of Companies within the 21 day period of its creation. |
2 | CONFIRMATION OF A DEED OF CONDITIONS | Applies when a Deed of Conditions is registered against a Builders Title (for definition see no. 5 below) and TP's out of this Title are imminent. This service is given so that the Solicitor can correctly refer, in their Breakaway Deeds, to the Deed of Conditions for burdens. |
3 | REGISTRATION IN BOOKS OF COUNCIL AND SESSION | Applies when a Deed requires to be registered in both the Land Register and the Books of Council and Session. This will only be done if the Solicitor, submitting the application, requests it in a covering letter or includes an Application Form for Registration in the Registers of Deeds. |
4 | JOINT RECORDING/REGISTRATION | Applies when a Deed requires to be registered in the Land Register and recorded in the Sasine Register i.e. A Deed of Servitude. The deed must have a Warrant of Registration at the bottom of the last page in the following terms "Register on behalf of the within named Joe Bloggs in the register for the County of Ayr". This must be signed by the Solicitor who must also be designed i.e. Solicitor, Ayr, Agents or W.S., Ayr, Agents. The Warrant can also be signed by the Grantee of the Deed. |
5 | EXPEDITE - BUILDERS/DEVELOPING TITLE | Applies when an application is received for a large area of ground and the applicants is a well known building company i.e. George Wimpey & Co. Limited. The application should be put in a green casebag and will be settled out of turn as the ground will probably be developed and houses built on it. Once completed the Land Certificate will be placed on deposit which will enable any pending TP's to proceed. |
6 | EXPEDITE - OTHER THAN BUILDERS/DEVELOPING TITLE | Applies when a Solicitor writes in and asks if their application can be processed quickly. If it is decided, by a senior officer, that the request is justified the application will be placed in a red casebag and expedited through the system. |
7 | MULTIPLE PRIORITIES | Applies when an application is received that is more than one of the above priorities i.e. it is a joint recording and also a confirmation case. |
8 | SPECIAL PRODUCTS | In order to maximise efficiency it has been agreed that cases that fall within the complex "Special Products" category should be identified and passed to Registration Services as early in the registration process as possible. The following types of casework should be directed to Registration Services:- Developing Titles where the extent would imply a major development.Inner city developments such as major shopping centres, redevelopment sites. Transfers of large areas/housing estates (Development Corporations, Scot. Homes etc.).Consolidations, Absorptions (Minutes of Consolidation, Renunciations of leases). Irritancies of leases or feus.Dispositions of Minerals or Salmon fishings. |
9 | MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS | Applies when an application is received which results in more than one application being created i.e. a DW over 2 Title Numbers. |
PP | PERSONAL PRESENTMENT | Applies when an application is personally presented to the Agency by an agent who waits for confirmation that the application has been examined and is acceptable for registration on that day. The application is entered on the LRS and processed as normal. |
Note 1: A new case movement check exists on the LRS. If anyone tries to use the 'cancel' function the system will check the priority field for PP and if found prevent the application from being cancelled.
Note 2: Insert the Instruction 'Personal Presentment' in the N&I screen
More than one class code applicable:
If one of the codes is "PP" then that code is entered in the class field otherwise code "7" is entered and details of each appropriate code is entered in the N&I screen.
Deed codes
Registrable Deeds, Deed Codes, Amending Deed types, Fees and eFin Categories
Schedule Headers
Each schedule will have the ability to have a header defined by the user. This optional header field will be in UPPERCASE and has a picklist available. If the header is not defined then a header will be automatically created for the schedule type with numbers if there is more than one entry for the schedule. NB: The numbers will NOT be added to any header defined by the user. Either the user's header or the automatic header is used in its entirety.
The standard automatic generated short particulars headers are constructed automatically based on the presence of single or multiple leases and sub-leases. The automatically generated headers will be as follows:
Schedule Type | Header | |
B | Schedule of Real Burdens | |
P | Schedule of Short Particulars xxx | |
E | Schedule of Exceptions | |
R | Schedule of Removals | |
V | Schedule of Removals for Mixed Fees | Not available for 2012 type titles |
F | Schedule of Feus | Not available for 2012 type titles |
G | Schedule of Ground Annuals | Not available for 2012 type titles |
L | Schedule of Leases | |
S | Schedule of Subleases | |
T | Schedule of separate tenements | |
C | Schedule of Coordinates | |
O | Schedule of Shared Plots | Only available via Title Workdesk |
XXX will be LEASE, LEASES, SUBLEASE, AND SUBLEASES based on the presence and number of sub type L and S entries for schedule type P only. If there is more than one schedule of a certain type then ALL the automatically generated headers will have a suffix of No 1, No 2, etc. NB: This will NOT be applied to any header defined by the user.
Schedule Entry Notes
Each entry for all short particulars and schedule types will be able to have an optional entry note. This field has a picklist available. The note will be automatically appended to the following columns for each schedule type upon formatting of the Land Certificates:
Schedule Type | Column |
B - Schedule of Real Burdens | Date of Recording or Registration |
P - Short Particulars | Date of Recording or Registration |
E - Schedule of Exceptions | Date of Recording or Registration |
R - Schedule of Removals | Date of Registration |
F - Schedule of Feus | Feu Writ (deed type) |
G - Schedule of Ground Annuals | Date of Recording |
L - Schedule of Leases | Date of Recording or Registration |
S - Schedule of Subleases | Date of Recording or Registration |
A Section Order
The order of the items within the A section of the Land Certificates will be as follows:
- Header
- Property Description
- Schedule of Coordinates (if any)
- Schedule of Shared Plots (if any)
- Short Particulars (if any)
- Schedule of separate tenements (if any)
- Schedule of Real Burdens (if any)
- Schedule of Exceptions (if any)
- Standard A section notes
- Minerals Note
- Boundary Notes
- Schedule of Removals (if any)
- Schedule of Feus (if any)
- Schedule of Ground Annuals (if any)
- Schedule of Leases (if any)
- Schedule of Subleases (if any)
Legal Instruction, RA comment and Element note fields
5. | DO NOT USE |
The information displayed in these fields is governed by the following rules viz.
Situation | Legal Instruction | R/A comment | Element note |
Assigning (importing) a deed from a Research Area. | gets copied | gets copied | gets copied |
Cloning such an assigned/imported deed. | does not get copied | gets copied | gets copied |
Assigning (importing) a deed from another Title. | gets copied | gets copied | gets copied |
Cloning such an assigned/imported deed. | does not get copied | gets copied | gets copied |
Assigning (importing) a deed via Deed Search, the target is a Title | gets copied | gets copied | gets copied |
Assigning (importing) a deed via Deed Search, the target is a Research Area | gets copied | gets copied | gets copied |
Cloning such an assigned/imported deed | does not get copied | gets copied | gets copied |
Typing reference codes
Typing Abbreviations in the Application Workdesk/D Section
T | Text exists |
No | No text exists |
TR | Typing References included |
Bulk Attach/Ad Hoc/Release Tick Boxes
If the User is in the permission Legal Settle ticking the tick boxes will have the following effect
Filter | Display | List |
None | Display is blank | Blank |
Dept. | Displays all cases under the Department | All cases in Legal irrespective of function |
Own | Displays Users own cases | All cases User has taken on |
Function | Displays all cases under the function | All cases under Legal_Settle |
Browser Address Codes
The following codes will be seen as the entry number after browsing and copying to the Title
1 | This signifies that the entry has been "picked" from the browser |
1* | This signifies that the entry has been "picked" from the browser and then been embellished in some way (e.g. House name added) |
1+ | This signifies that the entry has been added manually |
UID Prefix Codes
A prefix "F" UID number can only be used in an F.R./F.A.
A prefix "D" UID number can only be used in an D.W.
A prefix "T" UID number can only be used in a T.P./T.A.
Amending application types in LRS
- DW can be change to any application type except FR, TP, VR, KR, FS, TA, TS or AS
- EX can be change to any application type except FR, TP, VR, KR, FS, TA, TS or AS
- FA can be change to any application type except FR, TP, VR, KR, FS, TA, TS or AS
- IC can be change to any application type except FR, TP, VR, KR, FS, TA, TS or AS
- RR can be change to any application type except FR, TP, VR, KR, FS, TA, TS or AS
- TU can be change to any application type except FR, TP, VR, KR, FS, TA, TS or AS
- VA can be change to any application type except FR, TP, VR, KR, FS, TA, TS or AS
- VR can be change to AP, FR or KR
- KR can be change to AP, FR or VR
- FR can be change to AP, VR or KR
- AP can be change to FR, VR or KR
- AN cannot be changed
- AS cannot be changed
- FS cannot be changed
- TA cannot be changed
- TP cannot be changed
- TS cannot be changed
If you need to change an application type, please log a call via the IT service desk.
Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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