8.4 Edit breakaway deed for rights and add rights to property suffix field, if necessary.
8.4.1 If any amendments for rights are required to the cadastral map add a note to plans on the title workdesk.
8.4.2 If plans have added an N&I on the title workdesk to confirm a common area has been identified that cannot be mapped, refer to unmappable common areas guidance.
8.5 Add schedule of subsisting rights to real burdens and cross reference in property suffix field or add an entry to the existing schedule for post appointed day deed, if applicable.
8.6 Add minerals reservation, if necessary.
8.7 Add TCA property section note, if necessary.
8.8 If the rights include a servitude which has been shown in full in the property description, add note specifying the deed in which the servitude right was created or that it is a prescriptive servitude.
8.8.1 If the servitude right has been included in the property description by way of cross reference to a deed in the burdens section, no note is required.
8.8.2 If plans have advised that a servitude cannot be mapped but is to be included in the title sheet, see When Plans Cannot Provide a Reference for a Right, Burden or Servitude for details of the note to be added.
8.9 Check the deed for extent for any boundary descriptions or a boundary table.
8.9.1 If the deed for extent includes any boundary descriptions or a boundary table follow guidance to determine if boundary references should be included and add a boundary table or boundary note if appropriate.
8.10 If any amendments are required to the cadastral map or to the address details check instructions for plans have been added to the title workdesk and refer to plans.