Roof Space Titles
A roof space disposition is a transfer by the other proprietors in a tenement (or tenements) to the proprietor of a top floor house, of their respective right, title and interest in and to the roof space above the top floor house. This is usually to allow the top floor proprietor to convert the roof space into an extra room. The transfer is usually for a nominal consideration as the new roof space proprietor will become liable for all repairs to the roof, thus disburdening the other proprietors of their obligations for roof repairs.
Whenever a tenement flat enters the Land Register for the first time, whether it is a top floor flat or not, the settler should always bear in mind the possibility that the situation relative to roof space may have altered since the breakaway writ was recorded in sasines. A comparison of the breakaway writ with the deed inducing registration (DIR) is required. If a right to roof space was conveyed with the breakaway writ, but is not apparent in the DIR, then the settler should check the search sheet to see if the right to the roof space has previously been conveyed away. Conversely, if there is a right to roof space in the DIR that was not evident in the breakaway writ, then again investigation is required, and the matter should be referred to a senior officer.
Once a roof space application has been considered and created on the LRS, applications should be plans settled (see Further Guidance page Mapping Roof Space), and then passed to legal for settle (see Settling Guidance below).
Attic Conversions - Encroachment into Roof Space
How the Keeper deals with these encroachments depends on whether the title deeds are silent or include a right in common with every other flat in the tenement in and to the roof and roof space of the building.
Types of Roof Space Application
The following scenarios cover most roof space cases where the transfer of the roof space is for valuable consideration:
Rights to roof space from unregistered interests form first registration applications, and are added to the title sheet of the acquiring flat.
It is important that a roof space application is identified and immediately referred for guidance before it is taken on as a live application.
Preliminary examination
It is invaluable to keep fairly comprehensive notes on the roof space case as it progresses, e.g. list of all the parties involved, with their names, subjects, whether the subjects are in the Sasine or Land Register, the search sheet number or title number and what, if any, deeds or documents are needed to complete registration.
It should always be remembered that the wording of the subjects being conveyed, as disclosed in the roof space disposition, must be reflected, and may differ from the examples given here.
No comprehensive instructions can be given regarding the processing of a roof space application. The following instructions are basic guidance. If any matter is not covered by these instructions the referral officer should consult with a senior case worker.
Voluntary registration
In real terms, a disposition of the roof space is of the interest not already owned by the disponee (although, in some instances, the disponee will also co-grant the disposition in his or her favour). Registration of a pro indiviso share of a roof space, on its own is not a ‘tidy’ concept. It is normal practice, therefore, to invite the agent for the acquiring party to voluntarily register the house if it is unregistered. The fee chargeable in such circumstances is based on the market value of the house. If the agent does not wish to voluntarily register the house, then a title sheet for the roof and/or the roof space interest is made up.
Closing entries on the search sheet
When a roof space interest is removed from a title recorded in the Sasine Register, a ‘closing note’ should be added to the search sheet, e.g.:
‘Disposition by A and others to B, of roof and roof space immediately above (specify flat) of (tenement), registered (date)-to (title number)’
If there is more than one flat on the search sheet then the ‘closing note’ should reflect the extent to which each flat is affected by the conveyance of the roof space.
Registration policy
The following should be noted:
- All deeds should be submitted, although, in practice, most burden writs for all properties in one tenement are common up to the breakaway deed for each respective property.
- As regards any outstanding heritable securities by the granters of the roof space disposition over their respective flats and their interest in the roof space, it is the Keeper’s policy not to disclose an outstanding heritable security against a roof space interest transferred to another subject.
Provided all the application forms, documentation and correct fee have been submitted, the application can then be taken on.
Settling Guidance for Roof Space Cases
Acquiring title
Disponing title
Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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