S16.2 Drafting Styles
Only the subjects in the Sasine Register should be minuted, where possible. The following styles give examples:
(a) AGREEMENT between inter alios A [recorded proprietor] Proprietor of [Sasine subjects] – AGREEING line of common boundary as thereinmentioned. Dated ...
(b) DISP. by A - TO B of inter alia [Sasine subjects]. Dated
(c) DISP. by A - TO B of inter alia [Sasine subjects] (under exception of subjects in Land Register Title Number…) Dated ...
(d) MINUTE OF WAIVER by A, Superior of subjects in Land Register Title Number… WAIVING conditions in Feu Con. …to allow additional building to be erected on said subjects. Dated ...
(e) DEED OF SERVITUDE containing DISP. by A, Proprietor of [Sasine subjects] – TO B, Proprietor of subjects in Land Register Title Number…, - of servitude right of access over said firstmentioned subjects. Dated ...
(f) DEED OF SERVITUDE containing DISP. by A, Proprietor of subjects in Land Register Title Number… – TO B, Proprietor of [Sasine subjects], - of servitude right of access over said firstmentioned subjects. Dated ...
In (d), (e) and (f) above, it is acceptable for the application to be on behalf of either party to the deed. If the application is on behalf of a party whose interest is in the Land Register, it will not be minuted.
A reference to the Title Number should be added as the last line of the minute, e.g. ?l- (and see REN1234), even if it already appears in the minute, thus confirming it is a Joint Recording/Registration. (You could have the appearance of a Title Number in a minute without it being a Joint Recording, e.g. in the instance where there is an exception carried out to the Land Register.)
As Title Numbers are statutory they can be included in the Minute Book and no longer require to be added as ?Notes.
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