Travel With - Sift Instructions

Travel With - Sift Instructions

There are lots of reasons why applications which are seemingly unrelated might be travelling together. For example:

  • They might be being sold by the same disposition.
  • They might be affected by the same burdens.
  • An application to register a new lease will often travel alongside an application to register the landlord’s title.

How will I recognise the “travel with” characteristic?

It isn’t always obvious from reading the deeds or application forms. Generally the only way to identify this characteristic is from notes made by previous RoS staff.


  • Check the Case Collaboration notes. The note will usually say something like:
    • Note to Legal. Please settle this application together with [title or application number]
    • The Collaboration note might include separate title application numbers for a lease title (FR) and landlord’s title (AP)
    • [title number] and [title number] should be prepped and settled together.
  • Check the Applications tab. Does it mention multiple applications affecting more than one title number? Then the characteristic applies.


  • The Activity field should state that the application is travelling with another title.


  • Usually the Movement Note will state the title/application numbers for the applications it is travelling with
  • But sometimes the Application N&I will give details of the the application/applications. 

What else do I need to know?

The “travel with” characteristic should only be used when applications with different title numbers are travelling together. It should not be used for FA or VA applications.

 CMS examples - applications section

 CMS examples - notes section

 JIRA examples

 LRS examples

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
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