Initial Steps - TP Legal Parent Title Update

Initial Steps - TP Legal Parent Title Update

Process Steps

Additional Information

1.1 Complete a title search of the parent title, highlight applicable applications, arrange in date order and print off PT5 list.

1.2 Check the all TP applications have been legally settled and take on the applications on LRS under Legal Settle.

1.2.1 If TP applications have not been settled and are at plans/legal, find applications and check if they can be settled prior to the parent title update. If applications cannot be settled, select appropriate date prior to the first pending application to complete partial parent title update.

1.3 Check for any other additional applications over the parent title.

1.3.1 Identify all the applications that can be settled and request applications from support if it is appropriate to do so.

1.3.2 If there is a pending DW over the parent title, this can be used to give effect to the parent title update.

1.3.3 If there is more than one pending DW:

  • Check/print any notes and instructions for each DW application to be settled before attaching on LRS  
  • Attach DW(s) to the earliest application.
  • Use the earliest application to complete parent title update and ensure the correct title version of the title sheet is used.

1.3.4 Support may supply a deposit file.

Care should be taken when attaching casework. Always ensure the lead application contains the title version you need to work on. If this is not done, it can have serious implications, raising the risk of claims being made against RoS - over-writing titles.

 1.4 If there is no pending DW, create a title update (TU) application.

1) Open the appropriate county using INTAKE ENTER function on LRS.

2) Click on Create on the LRS Case Work Desk.

3) Select Application Type TU from the dropdown list and enter the PT title number.

4) Check the address details and OK.

5) Take a note of the TU application number.

6) Open the TU application and add the following application workdesk N&I:

'TU application created to update Parent Title'

7) Release the TU application to LEGAL SETTLE.

8) Open the appropriate county using LEGAL SETTLE function on LRS.

9) Take on the TU application on LRS.

10) Print the TU flysheet and place in a separate casebag tied to the TP undergoing registration.

1.4.1 If there is a registered version of the title the TU will be created automatically using the registered version.

1.4.2 If there is no registered version for the title the TU will be created automatically using the latest draft version.

1.5 Check all DWs over the parent title are correctly categorised.

1.6 Check the updated version of the parent title cadastral map and any SPL/supplementary plans or supplementary data plans have been provided, or request from plans.

1.6.1 If only a partial parent title update is being completed, consider if any references need to be removed from the cadastral map that apply after the update date, or

1.6.2 If the removal of references is considered onerous or time consuming, do not remove references but ensure on completion of the parent title update that a letter of explanation is sent.

1.7 Give effect to any amendments to the parent title required as a result of any DW(s) over the parent title by reference to the Legal Settle - Complex Dealing process.

Any DW or TP applications against the parent title must be completed in date order.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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