S7.4 Information from the SAF
If the designation of the Grantee was different in the Warrant than that in the deed, then the Warrant would be minuted to reflect this new information. Also, if the designation was omitted from the deed it could be added to the minute by way of minuting the Warrant.
This practice continues with the SAF and the designation of the Applicants can be taken from the appropriate section of the SAF and added into the minute.
Note: This does not apply to Granters.
For example:
DISCHARGE by Bank of Ireland discharging Standard Security by Frederick and Wilma Smith [not designed] ...
SAF: Applicants - Frederick and Wilma Smith, 12 Bedrock Town, Stonehaven
DISCH. by GOVERNOR AND COMPANY OF ?p?nBANK OF IRELAND?z, - of Standard Security (recorded 16 Mar. 1999) by ?pFREDERICK ?nSMITH?z and ?pWILMA ?nSMITH?z, spouses; which Standard Security was last vested in ?p?nBRISTOL AND WEST PLC?z. Dated 28 Nov. 2009; with Application on behalf of said Frederick Smith and Wilma Smith, 12 Bedrock Town, Stonehaven.
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