S11.11.1 Example Discharge

S11.11.1 Example Discharge

WE, NATIONWIDE ANGLIA BUILDING SOCIETY (1), incorporated under the Building Society Act 1986 and having our Principal Office at Chesterfield House, Bloomsbury Way, London, WCIV 6PW, IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of TWENTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS (£20,950) STERLING (2) being the whole amount secured by the Standard Security aftermentioned paid to us by LAWRIE McCLUNIE and MRS. SHIRLEY-ANNE McCLUNIE, (3) spouses, residing together formerly at 17 Neil Avenue, Irvine and now at 13 Caldon Road, Irvine, HEREBY DISCHARGE (4) a Standard Security for all sums due and that may become due granted by the said Lawrie McClunie and Mrs. Shirley-Anne McClunie (5) in our favour (6) recorded in the Division of the General Register of Sasines for the County of Ayr on Eleventh December Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Seven: (7) IN WITNESS WHEREOF

(1) Creditor
(2) Amount of Loan – not a necessary part of the deed although most solicitors include it.
(3) Debtor(s).
(4) Operative word.
(5) Debtor(s) re-named in Operative Clause.
(6) Creditor re-named in Operative Clause – “in our favour”.
(7) Recording date and County of Standard Security.


Styles of a Discharge may differ slightly from the example, e.g. the debtor(s) is/are not always named in the Narrative Clause but must always be named in the Operative Clause.

A Discharge will usually not contain a description of the subjects within the deed, however it is important that we can correctly identify the Standard Security that is being discharged. This is normally achieved by identifying the parties, the recording date of the Standard Security and the County in which the subjects lie.


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