Case collaboration

Case collaboration

There are Case Collaboration textboxes at every stage in the process within CMS. You can use these to make notes as to why you have processed the case in a certain way or who you have contacted about it.

How to add a Case Collaboration

  • Click the Case Collaboration link at the top of the screen
  • Type your message in the box and then click Post.
    • If you want to bring the case to the attention of another CMS user (e.g. your TL) then you can tag other users by typing @ then the person's name.
      • This will email the person you have tagged when you post the message.
    • If you want to mention another case in your note then you can tag that case by typing @ and then the Case ID.
      • This will add a link to the other case.
    • If you comment on someone else's Case Collaboration note then CMS will automatically tag that person and they will receive an email.
      • If multiple people have commented then CMS will tag the last person who commented.
  • You can only delete Case Collaboration notes that you have posted.
  • All Case Collaboration will be archived along with the case when it is completed.
  • If it is a DDS case then the Case Collaboration displays at the bottom of the screen.

The information on this page relates to the LR CMS For guidance relating to the original CMS platform, see CMS Quick Reference.  

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
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