Re-Scans and Reclassification
RPT Admin (Unlicensed)
There are some situations where the documents in the CMS case will need to be re-scanned. Possible scenarios include:
- the scanned documents are difficult to view (blurry or smudged).
- part of the deed or application form has been missed out of the scan.
- the LBTT has not yet been paid and the Revenue Scotland forms have been included in the scan. (For Data Protection purposes these cannot be stored in CMS and a re-scan must be requested to remove them).
- The deed or application form has not been scanned.
A re-scan should only be requested when it has not been possible to use the document reclassify functionality in CMS to solve the problem.
How to reclassify documents
The Reclassify function can only be performed by a team leader but there are steps that you need to complete before they can do this.
If your application has been scanned incorrectly so that multiple documents exist in the same file (e.g the application form and deed both show as 1 application form file or vice versa) then you will need to follow the steps below in order for a team leader to reclassify them.
- Create an electronic copy of the documents as you need them.
- To do this either:
- Click print and then select the required pages.
Click ‘Change…’ under destination and choose ‘save as PDF’.
(Remember to change this setting back to ‘Follow You ROS’ the next time you need to print anything onto paper).
Repeat this for the number of documents that you need to create (e.g. pages 1-4 as the document for the form and pages 5-6 as the document for the deed).
- Or you can:
- Print the relevant deeds/application forms.
- Use the scanning function on the printers to scan the documents to yourself as separate files (i.e. just the deed in 1 file and just the application form in another file).
- To do this either:
- Save the files to your desktop.
- Click Add New in the Supporting Documents section of your CMS case and add these files as supporting documents.
- Add a case collaboration note for a TL and transfer the case to them.
- They will fix the error by reclassifying the documents as Live Deeds/Application forms and then they will transfer the case back to you.
- You will need to log out of CMS and back in for CMS to show the changes they have made.
- Once you have the case then continue to settle the case as normal.
Requesting a Re-Scan
If the Reclassify function is not appropriate for your situation (e.g. if there is a missing page or if there are not enough APFs in the case) and the documents are still here then follow the instructions below to request a re-scan.
- Check the date of receipt of the document on CMS.
- Create a Document Request email and send to Centralised Support.
- Address the email to the 'Centralised Support' mailbox.
- Subject field should be 'URGENT Re-scan Request', plus the CMS case ID and the Batch Number - this will ensure that Centralised Support can identify which task needs to be completed and will help them prioritise their work.
- Complete the details as per the template so that Centralised Support can locate the documents (if they are still with RoS).
Add a Reason for the re-scan request.
Example template email
Name Section Room Ext. Subjects Batch ID Case ID Title No. App. No. (if applicable) Reason - Add a Case Collaboration Note to the CMS Case stating that a Re-scan has been requested.
- Note - You must wait until Centralised Support have confirmed that the re-scan has been completed before proceeding to close the case just in case there is a reason Centralised Support cannot do a re-scan.
- Centralised Support will re-scan the case.
- This will create a new INT type case.
- Centralised Support will email you stating the case has been re-scanned and they will include details of the batch ID for the new case.
- Use the batch ID to search for the new case and transfer it to yourself.
- If someone else has already been assigned the case then contact them and ask them to transfer the case to you.
- Close the original case by selecting Internal Closure from the Actions menu.
- Select Reason 'Re-scan' and Submit.
- The status of the original case is now Closed.
- Select Reason 'Re-scan' and Submit.
- Open the new CMS case and check whether the effective date of receipt needs to be changed.
- If the effective date of receipt of the new case is the same as the original case then the date of receipt does not need to be changed. Continue processing the case as normal.
- If the effective date of receipt of the new case is different to the date of receipt of the original case then the date of receipt needs changed.
- Select Amend date of receipt from the Actions menu.
- Enter/select the correct Date of receipt and select the reason for changing the date.
- Click Submit and the Effective date of receipt will be updated.
- For any LRS applications, request TL permission to change the date of receipt.
- Process the new case as normal.
- Note: If an application was created on LRS with the original case then the existing LRS details must be manually entered into the new case.
The information on this page relates to the LR CMS For guidance relating to the original CMS platform, see CMS Quick Reference.
Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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