LRS Abbreviations

LRS Abbreviations

A list of abbreviations and codes used in the Land Register System (LRS).

AMTitle status codeRegistered as amalgamated/absorbed
ANApplication typeAdvance notice
ASApplication typeAdd to shared plot title sheetFor general use in registration
CApplication status codeComplete
CProperty codeCommercial
CLTitle status codeRegistered as closed
CUApplication typeConditions updateNo longer to be used
CXApplication typeCreated when a land certificate is resubmitted for minor correction.Only to be created by the CX team
DApplication status codeDeleted
DATitle status codeDraft amalgamated/absorbed
DCTitle status codeDraft closed
DFcTitle status codeDraft confirmed
DFuTitle status codeDraft unconfirmed
DWApplication typeDealing with wholeFor general use in registration
DXTitle status codeDraft cancelled
FAApplication typeFirst add toFor general use in registration
FRApplication typeFirst registrationFor general use in registration
FSApplication typeFirst shared plot title sheetFor general use in registration
ICApplication typeInternal correctionOnly to be created by the data amendment team
KApplication status codeConfirmed
K*nApplication status codeConfirmed - generate public application note upon completion (except TP/TA).
K*rApplication status codeConfirmed - to be retained upon completion (TP/TA only).
LProperty codeLand
LCApplication typeLand certificateOnly to be created by the transfer of part team
MUApplication typeMap update. An application created only on the mapping systems by mapbase maintenance (MBM) to update registered titles when the underlying OS map detail is changed or updated.Only to be created by MBM
N&INoteNotes and Information - a free text field within the LRS, used for noting miscellaneous information.
NANNoteNext application note - this can be either internal or public to give future users information or an instruction about the title to which it is attached.
NR Application typeNoting on registerFor general use in registration
OProperty codeOther
OCApplication typeOffice copyOnly to be created by customer services
PApplication status codeProvisional
RApplication status codeRetained
RProperty codeResidential
RGTitle status codeRegistered
RRApplication typeRectification of registerOnly to be created by the Post Registration Enquiries team
SCApplication typeSubstitute certificateNo longer to be used


Application typeTransfer add toFor general use in registration
TCApplication typeLand/charge certificate to correspond.No longer to be used
TPApplication typeTransfer of partFor general use in registration
TUApplication typeTitle sheet update. An application type that allows amalgamation where no pending application exists, or to update a previous registered title to show, for example, a competing title.Can be created by registration in limited circumstances.
TSApplication typeTransfer of part shared plot title sheetFor general use in registration
VRApplication typeVoluntary registrationFor general use in registration
XApplication status codeCancelled
XXTitle status codeRegistered as cancelled

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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