Complete Registration on Advance Notice System

Complete Registration on Advance Notice System

Process Steps

Additional Information

1.1 Browse the an_pdf folder and select the appropriate pdf (search by date/time) and drag onto the desktop

1.1.1 If the ops tool has been used it will appear on the desktop.

1.2 Select the manage attachment tab to upload plan to the AN handler system (pdf will appear in the main window as it is on the desktop)

1.3 Select appropriate pdf and open to insert into the AN handler system. 

1.4 Select approve to complete registration on the AN handler system.

1.4.1 On approval, an entry for the AN will automatically be created on the LRS against each title number affected. A notification for the AN will be generated and automatically issued overnight to the appropriate party(s).

1.5 Print flysheet and confirmation letter from AN handler system.

1.6 Write AN application number and date on the back of the cheque and place in allocated location to be passed to finance at the end of the day.

1.7 Send flysheet and all documentation to scan.

1.7.1 Scan will add documentation to BOPS and despatch documentation to agent.

1.7.2 The scan software will pick up the barcode and automatically associate the AN number with all applications assigned to it by the LRS. The AN will therefore be available to view on BOPS by searching the AN application number or  the title number.

1.8 Remove from DMS picklist.



Process Ends


Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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