Shared and Sharing Plots - Legal Settle

Shared and Sharing Plots - Legal Settle

FS Application - First Share of an Unregistered Common Area

An FS application is created on LRS to create a shared plot title sheet where a deed is conveying/leasing a share of ownership/tenancy in an unregistered plot that is owned/leased in common by the proprietors/tenants of two or more other primary plots (sharing plots) who have ownership/tenancy to the unregistered plot (shared plot) by virtue of their ownership/tenancy of the sharing plots. If the sharing plot comprises a flat in a tenement then a new shared plot title sheet should only be created if the shared plot extent falls outwith the extent of the tenement. 

TS Application - First Transfer of Share of a Common Area forming Part of a Registered Plot

A TS application is created on LRS where a deed is conveying/leasing a share of ownership/tenancy in a plot that forms part of a registered plot that is owned/leased in common by the proprietors/tenants of two or more other primary plots (sharing plots) who have ownership/tenancy to the shared plot by virtue of their ownership/tenancy of the sharing plots. If the sharing plot comprises a flat in a tenement then a new shared plot title should only be created if the shared plot extent falls outwith the extent of the tenement.

AS Application - Addition or transfer of a share in a registered shared plot

An AS application is created where a deed is conveying/leasing a primary plot with a share in a common area and a shared plot title sheet already exists for the common area. This application type is used where the primary plot and the share in the common area are in sasines (Sasine AS) or where the primary plot forms part of a registered plot.

Conveyance of a Share in a Common Area Only

If a deed is only conveying/leasing a share in a common area the common area will only become a shared plot title (if the common area is unregistered) or remain a shared plot title (if the common area is registered) where the related sharing plot is already registered. If the related sharing plot is not already registered and the common area is not already registered a standalone title sheet is created for the common area. If the related sharing plot is not already registered and common area is already registered as a shared plot title the shared plot title sheet will be converted to a standalone ordinary title sheet.


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