Import Property and Burdens Section - KIR

Import Property and Burdens Section - KIR

Process Steps

7.1 Import any property section information and burdens section entries as instructed on the Instruction Card.

7.1.1 Select Import on the title workdesk. This will open the Import into Title screen.

7.1.2 Select From other version then select Interest/ Real Right, Prefix, Suffix, A-Section Notes, and Schedules as instructed on the Instruction Card.

7.1.3 Select Add From Other Version (in the D-section part) and click Ok. This will open the Select a Title screen.

7.1.4 Select Other and input the Model Title Number as shown on the Instruction Card and click Ok.

7.1.6 Select the appropriate title version as instructed on the Instruction Card and click Ok. This will open the Import Confirmation screen.

7.1.7 Check details and click Yes. The A and D section information will now be imported from the Model Title into the KIR title sheet.

Additional Information

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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