Process Steps
5.1 Import applicants from the application workdesk.
5.1.1 Select Import on the title workdesk. This will open the 'Import into Title' pop-up screen.
5.1.2 Select Applicants in the B-section part and click Ok. This will open the Applicants available to Import screen.
5.1.3 Highlight the proprietors and click Ok. The proprietors will now appear in the proprietorship section.
5.2 Check the proprietors details and, if necessary, amend the proprietorship section.
5.2.1 Check the Type field is correct (P = person, C = company, O = other).
5.2.2 Check the proprietors designation and any additional proprietorship information in the Link Text field (e.g. "spouses", "both", etc.) have imported correctly and, if necessary, amend proprietorship section and application workdesk.
5.2.3 If the proprietor has a right in land in a special capacity, enter a description of that capacity using the picklist (e.g Trustees).
5.2.4 If the search sheet entry includes special destination information, e.g. "equally" or "equally and survivor", include the relevant information from the options in the 'link text' field. "Equally" should be entered as "equally between them", and "equally and survivor" should be entered as "equally between them and the survivor of them" in the proprietorship section.
5.2.5 Add the extent of entitlement, held by the proprietor (if applicable). Where title is held by more than one proprietor, the respective shares of each proprietor must be shown.
5.2.6 Check details and click Close.
5.3 Add the date of registration, consideration, and date of entry.
5.3.1 Select Add Reg. Det. and enter the date the KIR application was created in the Date Reg. field.
5.3.2 Enter the consideration from the search sheet entry into the Consideration field. The consideration normally appears either handwritten to the left hand side of, or typed at the bottom of, the search sheet entry. Ensure that: '£' and ',' (where applicable) are included, e.g. £75,500. If no consideration is given on the search sheet, then the details should be obtained from the archived Sasine deed.
5.3.3 Enter the date of entry in the Entry Date field. The date of entry should also be taken from the search sheet, but this is not always shown on the entry. If no date of entry is given on the search sheet, then the details should be obtained from the archived Sasine deed.
5.4 Where there is a survivorship destination held between the last known proprietors, include the following note:
"Note: The current proprietor of the subjects in this title is not known with certainty as the Keeper has been unable to establish whether the survivorship destination has operated."
5.5 Add any additional notes specified in the Instruction Card or refer if any additional notes are required.
5.6 Check details and click Close.
5.7 Click Apply on the title workdesk.