KIR Plans

KIR Plans

Update - September 2020

The DMS is now being phased out and replaced by Plan Creator. Guidance for using plan creator is available on the O Drive - see this update for details of where to find it. 

Process Steps

3.1 Take on case at Plans Settle on the LRS. The case is automatically added to the /wiki/spaces/2ARM/pages/64455073.

3.2 Open the DMS select list and select the KR application.

3.3 Determine if the address details have resulted in Auto PI or whether Manual PI is necessary.

3.3.1 If Auto PI has occurred, the address details will have resulted in a hit on DMS and the seed point will have been automatically dropped - go to "Auto PI" below.

3.3.2 If the address details have not resulted in a hit on DMS then a seed point will need to be added manually - go to "Manual PI" below.

3.4 Follow the relevant instructions for Auto PI or Manual PI.

 Auto PI

3.4.1 View the seed point on the DMS map and check the address of the subjects to determine the seed point is on the vector point of the building. Adjust if necessary using the /wiki/spaces/2ARM/pages/64455283 button.

 Manual PI

3.4.2 If there is no hit for Auto PI for the address, either enter the address manually, use the address of a nearby property, or use the PR title number on the Research Area Summary Form in the Manual PI form screen on DMS. The DMS will open at the approximate area.

3.4.3 Click on the /wiki/spaces/2ARM/pages/64455283 button and left click on the correct position to drop the seed point onto the building seed point.

Detailed instructions for copying the cadastral unit from the KIR layer are available on the Create a KIR House Plot Title Using the Index Map page.

3.5 Examine the Instruction Card for the subjects to establish what references are required for the property, i.e. extent of the subjects and any other references in the KIR index file.

3.6 Click on /wiki/spaces/2ARM/pages/64455340.

3.7 Click on Index, then Search and then List All and then Display All. This will display all indexes including the KIR file relating to the RA being processed, e.g. a KIR index for RA 00230/MID would be MID00230-0001

3.8 From the KIR index file, copy the polygon(s) required for the title from the index layer using the /wiki/spaces/2ARM/pages/65831217 option, add by clicking on index map and paste into the title. Ensure that the polygons are layered correctly.

3.9 /wiki/spaces/2ARM/pages/64455077 the application.

3.10 Release application to Legal Settle on LRS.

Additional Information

Next:  KIR Legal

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