This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.
13.4.2 Incorrectly Idented Casework
This section has been deleted.
13.4.3 Manual PI
If a case is selected which has not yet had a provisional ident (PI) performed on it (i.e. the Auto PI failed for this case when it was first transferred from the LRS), then it must be manually PI’d before it can be taken on. The Drawing Tool functionality allows this to be done from within the Drawing Tool itself, giving the user the option of doing the PI on the case using the Address, Title Details or Map Details options. Note that in all the manual PI windows, when data is entered into the fields, the RETURN key should be pressed to ensure that the data from a field has been read by the system before performing a SEARCH or other operation.
13.4.4 Address Match PI
The address match PI window is the default window which appears initially when the manual PI window is brought up by the Drawing Tool. To select any other type of PI search, the user should click on one of the three buttons on the top left of the window – Address, Title Details or Map Details. The address match window presents the user with an address form, which should be completed before the SEARCH button is pressed. A search can be performed using only a partial address e.g. just a thoroughfare name, but if too many address matches are returned, a message will be displayed and the user will be required to be more specific in order to reduce the number of matches. If the user’s address data results in more than one entry being returned then a list of matching addresses (up to the maximum of 40) is displayed and the user can select the desired address from the list and click "Accept". The user may click anywhere in the address row to highlight the whole address.
If a matching address is found, the appropriate seed point information will be displayed on the address form in the "Northings" "Eastings" and "Size" fields. A dialogue will then ask the user if they wish to accept the seed point information. If the user selects "yes" then the title will be opened with the seed point marked on it as usual. Otherwise the details will be cleared and the user can perform another PI search if required. If no matching address can be found, the user will be informed via a dialogue box that no match was located. In the event that this should happen, a match could then be attempted using another application number or map name.
13.4.5 Title / Case Match PI
The Title Details manual PI window allows a user to PI the current case based on the seed point details of a previous case. When the title number or case number is entered into the appropriate field and the SEARCH button pressed, the database is searched and if the title/case is found the user is asked if they wish to accept the seed point details. If the user responds "Yes" then the map is loaded with the seed point indicated as usual. Otherwise the user is able to perform another manual PI search if required. Note that either a title number OR a case number should be supplied, not both.
If the case or title is not found on the database a message dialogue reporting that the case or title is unknown is returned. If the case or title is found, but it is not authorised, this is also an error and a dialogue reporting this is displayed accordingly. Case numbers entered should correspond to title cases, index cases will not provide the necessary seed point information.
13.4.6 Map Name based PI
The third type of Manual PI window is the Map Name PI window. This allows a user to input the name of a map so that the seed point information can be based on that. If a map name is entered and the SEARCH button clicked, the program searches the database for that map. If it is found, seed point information is returned based on the centre point of the given map and the seed point details are displayed in the "Northings", "Eastings" and "Size" fields. If the seed point information is located the user is asked whether they wish to accept this seed point information. If they reply "Yes" then the map is loaded with the seed point indicated upon it as usual. If not then they are given the opportunity to do another manual PI search if required.
13.4.7 Close & Auth
Having selected a case to work on, the user can update the extent as usual. Clicking on the "CLOSE" button will simply close the case as before, but if a case is ready to be authorised, the new "Close & Auth" button should be used. If the user clicks on this button after completing editing, a prompt is displayed asking the user to confirm they wish to authorise the case. On clicking "Yes" the "Enter Password" window will be displayed. The user can then enter their password followed by the <RETURN> key and click "OK" and the case will be closed and authorised. When typing in the password field, the password is not displayed for security reasons. If the password does not match, an error dialogue will be displayed and the case will remain open. If authorisation is successful, the case is cleared from the main editing window as usual and the user is then ready to work on another case id required. Note that this case will remain in the user’s select list and still be available for selection until this case is closed from within the LRS.
13.4.8 Common Messages
- A version of <title number> is in work: (owned by <user name>)
The user has attempted to take on a title of which another version appears to be in work. The user working on this other version is indicated by user name.
- Insufficient information available for this title
The user has selected a title to manual PI from, but this title, although it exists, does not have enough information associated with it to get the seed point from. Another title or manual PI method should be chosen.
- Map <map name> not found
The user has selected a map to manual PI from, but this map does not exist on the system.
- No authorised versions of this title exist
The user has selected a title to manual PI from, but the title in question has no authorised versions. Only authorised titles can be used for manual PI.
- Please enter either a title number OR a case number
The user has elected to perform a title/case manual PI but has not entered the title or case details correctly. Either a title number or a case number should be used as the basis for a manual PI search.
- Sorry, there are no matches in the database
When performing an address search for a manual PI, the search of the address gazetteer has failed find a match for the address details given.
- The dependent title requires further processing before this can be unauthorised
The user has attempted to unauthorise the parent of a TP/TA title when the child title is still authorised itself. The child must be unauthorised first.
- There is no title associated with this case
The user has selected to perform a manual PI using a case number, but the given case has no title associated with it. This can happen if the given case is an index case, for instance.
- This title entry has authorised later versions
The title selected by a user cannot be unauthorised because later versions are authorised. These would have to be unauthorised before this title could be processed.
- Too many matches in Database. Try refining your search
When performing an address match based manual PI, the gazetteer search has returned too many matching addresses. The maximum amount that will be returned is 40. The user should add more detail to the search criteria to reduce the number of matches.
- Unknown title number. Please re-enter
When performing a case/title based manual PI, the title number given was not found on the database. Check the title number is correct.
- Unknown case number. Please re-enter
When performing a case/title based manual PI, the case number given was not found on the database. Check the case number is correct.
Related content
This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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