
This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.


This tool will be available as a separate application to the Image tool and will be called from users' Open Window menus.

13.10.1 Start-up

When the tool is first started, a check will be done to see if the user had an image displayed the last time they used the Title Image Viewer. If there was an image displayed, this will be displayed automatically.

If the version of this automatically displayed title is not the highest authorised version any more, then the latest (highest) authorised version will be used instead. If this has no attached supplementary plan images, an error message will be displayed and no image will be retrieved. If it does have attached supplementary plans and these include the previously viewed one, it will be displayed. If there are attached supplementary plans but these do not include the previously viewed one, the first image for the first supplementary plan will be displayed.

13.10.2 PRINT Button

When the user presses the PRINT button, the PRINT button will be highlighted and then a single A4 page will be printed. This will contain the current image overlaid by any stamps it may have. The print will look identical to the equivalent print from the Image Tool or the Batch Print Tool (following IR 205099 fix). Following queuing of the print the PRINT button will be un-highlighted.

The print will be queued to the user's default printer. If the Colour radio button is highlighted, the print will be in colour, otherwise it will be in mono.

Table of Contents

13.10.3 EXIT Button

A dialogue similar to the exit dialogue in the Drawing Tool will be displayed with two buttons YES (default) and NO. If the user presses NO, the dialogue will close and program will continue. If the user presses YES, a note of the currently displayed image will be saved (if one is displayed). The program will then exit.

13.10.4 CLOSE Button

This will close the current image, clearing the main viewer of any image and stamps. It will clear the Title Number Text Entry, Supplementary Plan List Box, Supplementary Plan Images Total Display Item and Current Image Display Item.

13.10.5 Title Number Text Entry

When the user enters a title number into the text entry and presses RETURN, the related supplementary plans will populate the Supplementary Plan List Box. The first image associated to the first supplementary plan will be displayed.

The highest authorised version of a title will always be used.

The Supplementary Plan Images Total and Current Image display items will then be updated.

13.10.6 Supplementary Plan List Box  

The list box will display the image name and image name suffix, which will give something like "FFE901-1", for each supplementary plan related to the current title.

When a different entry is selected, the first image for that supplementary plan will be loaded. The Current Image Display Item should be set to 1. The Supplementary Plan Images Total Display Item should be set to the total number of images relating to the current Supplementary Plan.

13.10.7 Mono/Colour Print Radio Buttons

The Mono radio button will be defaulted to Mono at start-up. The Mono and Colour buttons can then be toggled. Depending on which button is pressed, a different print will be sent to the printer when the PRINT button is pressed.

13.10.8 X/Y Co-ordinate Display Items

The co-ordinate display items will display the number of world co-ordinates from the X, Y position of the last click on the image. The first click is assumed to be 0, 0 at startup.

13.10.9 PAN Button

When pressed, the PAN button allows the user to click on the viewer. The image will be panned to centre at the click position. The user is not be able to pan off the image.

13.10.10 RESET Button

The RESET button is a flash button. When pressed the view will be repositioned to display the bottom left of the image at the bottom left of the view (default view).

Supplementary Plan Images Total Display Item

This display item will display the total number of images relating to the current supplementary plan or 0 if there is not a current supplementary plan.

13.10.11 Current Image Display Item

This display item will display the current image relating to the current supplementary plan or 0 if there is not a current supplementary plan.

13.10.12 PREV. IMAGE Button

When pressed, this button will check that the Current Image Display Item is greater than 1. If so the previous image related to the current supplementary plan will be loaded. If the current image is the first image, no changes will be made.

13.10.13 NEXT IMAGE Button

When pressed, this button will check that the current image is less than the total number of images relating to the current supplementary plan. If so, the next image related to the current supplementary plan will be loaded. If the current image is the last image, no changes will be made.

13.10.14 REDRAW

This button causes a refresh of all open windows.

Direction Buttons (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)

These buttons will pan the view in the desired direction up to the maximum and minimum limits of the displayed page (e.g. once at the top of the page, pressing N should have no effect).

This will display the current image and any associated stamps. It will be blank if there is no current image. It will take a few seconds to update when the current image is changed.

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This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.

The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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