Processing a P24 Check Survey request - MBM staff

Processing a P24 Check Survey request - MBM staff


When the currency or accuracy of the Ordnance Survey (OS) map requires to be checked, staff can instigate a survey to be carried out by the OS surveyors. Final approval for such a survey request lies with the Mapbase Maintenance manager. The Mapbase Maintenance manager may request additional evidence or further information from the caseworker, or may need to discuss the request with the caseworker or countersigning officer, before authorising a survey.

The form used to request a survey is a P24 Check Survey form and Mapbase Maintenance (MBM) is responsible for issuing surveys and updating the cadastral map (if necessary) on their return from the OS. In some instances, a survey is requested for visual inspection only to confirm the age and nature of a feature or the occupation of an area of ground.

The objective of this section of the manual is to provide step by step instructions for MBM staff on the P24 process, including:

  • how to action new requests, and issue to the OS surveyor; and
  • how to complete the process on the return of the survey document.

Basic requirements

  • MBM staff following this process must have read/write access to the MBM folders.
  • All survey requests must be submitted electronically to the Mapbase Maintenance mailbox.
  • The survey request should consist of a minimum of three attachments to the email:
    • the P24 form;
    • the P5 letter;
    • and scanned images of the OS map and the deed plan (if appropriate).
  • The file names should be in the following format - Title number followed by "P24", or title number followed by "images". For example, "MID12345 P24" and "MID12345 images".
  • Where possible, all images should be scanned as a single file; this happens automatically using the MFD machines when the images are all scanned together. If this is not possible then the file names should include a number reference. For example, "MID12345 images1" and "MID12345 images2".

New P24 Requests

 Process steps
Process steps
  1. Open MBM inbox in Microsoft Outlook.
2.  Check for any outstanding survey requests.

3.  Open the O: drive

3.1  Select Information Management\Mapbase Maintenance\Approved\2015-16 Files\P24 (OS and RoS) Survey Requests\Scanned Surveys\SENT from Production.

3.2 The name of the folder to be used will change as the years (2015-16, 2016-17, etc.) are updated.

 4.  Create a new folder.

    • This can be done by right clicking with the mouse in the left hand side window, and selecting New then Folder.
    • The name of the new folder must be the title number of the survey request.

 5.  Move all documents relating to the survey into the new folder created for the title number.

    • This can be done by copying or dragging from the email to the new folder.

 6.  Update the All Survey Requests spreadsheet, including a hyperlink to the new folder containing the survey documents.

    • O:\Information Management\Mapbase Maintenance\Approved\2015-16 Files\P24 (OS and RoS) Survey Requests\All Survey Requests
    • The name of the folder to be used will change as the years (2015-16, 2016-17, etc.) are updated.

6.1  To create a hyperlink, select the box in the spreadsheet. Right click with the mouse and select Hyperlink.

6.2  In the Insert Hyperlink window, select the O: drive as above, and select the newly created folder with the title number as its name.

6.3  In the Text to Display box, amend the default text to read "P24" followed by the title number. For example "P24 MID12345".

7.  Inform the MBM authorising officer of the new request for approval.

8.  If the new request is approved:

8.1  Email the document to the OS to complete the survey. The MBM manager will be able to advise you of the current OS contacts and their email address(es).

8.2  Update the spreadsheet, including adding the DATE SENT details. 

9.  If the new request is not approved:

9.1  The MBM authorising officer will update the spreadsheet.

9.2  Return the survey request to the submitting officer.

P24 form returned by the OS

P24 forms are returned electronically from the OS on completion, together with any supporting photos, etc supplied by the surveyor. Once the OS have made the necessary amendments to the map, the updated data is received by us as part of our regular supply of new or updated map data.

 Process steps
Process steps
  1. Open MBM inbox in Microsoft Outlook.
2.  Check for any returned surveys from the OS surveyor.

3.  Open the O: drive

3.1  Select Information Management\Mapbase Maintenance\Approved\2015-16 Files\P24 (OS and RoS) Survey Requests\Scanned Surveys\RECEIVED from OS.

3.2 The name of the folder to be used will change as the years (2015-16, 2016-17, etc.) are updated.

 4.  Create a new folder.

    • This can be done by right clicking with the mouse in the left hand side window, and selecting New then Folder.
    • The name of the new folder must be the title number of the survey request.

 5.  Move all documents relating to the survey into the new folder created for the title number.

    • This can be done by copying or dragging from the email to the new folder.

 6.  Update the All Survey Requests spreadsheet, including a hyperlink to the new folder containing the survey documents.

    • O:\Information Management\Mapbase Maintenance\Approved\2015-16 Files\P24 (OS and RoS) Survey Requests\All Survey Requests
    • The name of the folder to be used will change as the years (2015-16, 2016-17, etc.) are updated.

6.1  To create a hyperlink, select the box in the spreadsheet. Right click with the mouse and select Hyperlink.

6.2  In the Insert Hyperlink window, select the O: drive as above, and select the newly created folder with the title number as its name.

6.3  In the Text to Display box, amend the default text to read "P24" followed by the title number. For example "P24 MID12345".

7.  Is a change to the map required?

8.  If no change to the map is required:

8.1  Update the spreadsheet to note that no update is required to the Ordnance Map

8.2 Update the spreadsheet to include the DATE RETURNED and the RETURNED TO SETTLER details.

8.3  Return all attachments via email to the submitting officer.

9.  If a change to the map is required:

9.1  Check the latest map on the Plan Viewer (PV) to be sure it has been received.

10. If the PV does not show the changes, wait until the next regular supply of map data from the OS is received and check again.

11. If the PV does show the changes, continue with the processing of the P24 request.

12. If minor amendments are needed then update the OS map and advise the submitting officer:

12.1 Update the spreadsheet.

      • Updates to include the DATE RETURNED and the RETURNED TO SETTLER details.

12.2 Return all attachments via email to the submitting officer.

13. If further consideration is required, then revert to the submitting officer for further instructions on how to proceed:

13.1 Update the spreadsheet.

      • Updates to include the DATE RETURNED and the RETURNED TO SETTLER details.

13.2 Return all attachments via email to the submitting officer.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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