Initial Examination - FR Intake and Closing Notes
RPT Admin (Unlicensed)
Process Steps
Additional Information
Examine the contents of the envelope
1.1 Check deeds against the inventory, if completed, and mark deeds as submitted/not submitted and add any additional deeds.
1.2 Check applications/deeds are relevant to intake team, otherwise send any unassociated applications/deeds to correct intake team (unless submitted as part of a single cheque) or refer to team leader as necessary.
1.2.1 If the application type on the form is 'Deed over an unregistered plot', but the deed accompanying the application form is a non-transfer of title deed, pass to a referral officer to identify if the application should be passed to the dealings create team.
1.3 Examine application for any correspondence and take appropriate action, and refer if necessary.
If there is no application form or the registrable deed (deed inducing registration) is not submitted then, once the remaining relevant steps of initial examination are completed, the application must be referred to be rejected.
1.4 Identify any deeds submitted for joint recording/dual registration or for preservation.
1.4.1 Complete all initial examination checks then follow appropriate joint recording/dual registration in sasines process or joint recording in Books of C& S process and refer all documentation to intake referral officer.
Examine the application form
1.5 Ensure that the application form(s) submitted:
- are not marked "DRAFT" - if the application form is in "DRAFT" once the remaining relevant steps of initial examination are completed, the application must be rejected.
- match the information contained in the corresponding deeds.
1.6 Ensure that the form is correctly completed for the type of application submitted.
Major Discrepancies
If any discrepancies between the application form and the registrable deed are such that the application form does not appear to relate to the registrable deed then, once the other steps in Initial Examination are completed, the application should be referred to your referral point for possible rejection.
Incorrect completion of form
If the form is not correctly completed for the registrable deed being submitted then, once the other steps in Initial Examination are completed, the application should be referred to your referral point for possible rejection.
1.7 For the old type of Registration Form Check the answer in the 'Certificate in relation to links in title' section of the application form to the question 'If no, and the deed is a disposition, is the disposition to be treated as valid by virtue of section 43(1) (prescriptive claimants)?'
For the new Registration Form Check the answer to 'Does the application relate to a prescriptive claimant?'
1.7.1 If the answer on the form is 'No', proceed to complete intake process as normal.
1.7.2 If the answer is 'Yes' then the application is a specialist application. On completion of the intake process, the flysheet and documentation should be placed in a red case bag with a route card directing the application to a senior adviser and should be passed to the Odd Jobs officer to arrange the closing note procedure and the application to be scanned out of turn.
1.7.3 If an answer has not been provided on the application form, but the answer to the question 'Is the granter of the deed the last recorded/registered proprietor?' is 'No' and the application is in respect of a disposition, refer to a senior officer.
1.7.4 For the new Registration Form check the question 'Are there any servitude rights created in deeds which benefit the plot of ground that are not referred to or narrated in the deed to which this application relates (for example in a split-off/break-off deed)?' If the answer is 'Yes' please ensure the box underneath contains information, If it does not please pass to referral officer for possible rejection.
1,7.5 For the new Registration Form check the question 'Are there any servitude rights referred to or narrated in the deed to which this application relates that no longer benefit the plot of ground?'
If the answer is 'Yes' please ensure the box underneath contains information, If it does not please pass to referral officer for possible rejection.
1.7.6. For the new Registration Form check the question 'Are there any encumbrances that are not referred to or narrated in the deed to which the application relates (for example in a split-off- break-off deed)? If the answer is 'Yes' please ensure the box underneath contains information, If it does not please pass to referral officer for possible rejection.
1.8 Identify if the application is related to seabed or is an Automatic Plot Registration (APR) application or a Voluntary Registration.
1.8.1 If the application is related to seabed, refer to the Seabed Registration guidance. Since the Register of Sasines does not include seabed, the closing note procedures need not be followed.
1.8.2 If the application is an Automatic Plot Registration application, refer to the Leases page for APR guidance.
1.8.3 If the application is a Voluntary Registration, refer to the 'Intake Examination Process' steps in the Voluntary Registration guidance page.
1.9 Identify if the application is affected by the Long Leases (Scotland) Act 2012. Check:
- if the application form or any correspondence contains a request to convert a tenant's right in a lease to ownership
- if the application contains any terminology that makes reference to the Long Leases (Scotland) Act 2012
- if the application is to register a notice or agreement in terms of the Long Leases (Scotland) Act 2012 (this may also be indicated by examining the deed).
1.9.1 If the application is affected by the Long Leases (Scotland) Act 2012:
- Change the category to 6
Examine the payment arrangements
1.10 Ensure that where no cheque accompanies the application, the FAS number specified on the application form belongs to a customer on the direct debit scheme.
1.11 Ensure that, where a cheque accompanies the application, that:
- it is made out to Registers of Scotland/RoS/the Keeper/Land Register of Scotland/Scottish Land Registry
- it is signed
- it is dated (but not post dated or dated more than 6 months ago)
- it is sufficient to cover the appropriate registration fee (including where it is in respect of more than one registrable deed)
- the amount in numbers matches the amount in words.
1.12 If a cheque is for a greater amount than the fee, a refund of the overpayment should be completed during the eFin process.
1.13 Check the contents of the envelope for a copy of any post-intake rejection/withdrawal letter or pre-intake rejection letter containing details of any UID number(s) originally associated with the application. If no letter is found, check also the backing of any new deeds being registered to check for UID numbers.
1.13.1 If the payment method is cheque and the application is not accompanied by a cheque or a rejection/withdrawal letter providing details of the UID number(s), the application must be rejected.
1.13.2 If the payment method is direct debit and the application is not accompanied by a rejection/withdrawal letter, the application can be accepted and processed following the normal eFin process to create the UID number(s).
1.13.3 If the application is accompanied by a copy of the post-intake rejection/withdrawal letter containing details of the original UID number(s), the UID numbers can be represented on eFin. An email should only be sent to if an error message appears in eFin because the funds are not available.
1.13.4 If the application is accompanied by a copy of the pre-intake rejection letter containing details of the associated UID number(s), send an email to with details of the associated UID number(s) to determine that the fee has not been refunded. Do not proceed until Finance respond.
- If the payment method is cheque and the original fee has been refunded or is insufficient, the payment requirements have not been met and the application should be rejected.
- If the payment method is direct debit and the original fee has been refunded or is insufficient, the full fee should be collected again (upto a maximum of £200 - refer to team leader if more than £200) and the application processed following the normal eFin process to create the UID number(s).
- If the application was rejected post intake and the original fee has been retained by Finance, the application can be accepted and the original UID number(s) can be represented.
- If the application was rejected post intake and the represented application has changed and the original fee submitted (cheque or direct debit) is greater than the fee due, the Dummy Cheque - UID Number Exists process should be followed.
- If the application was rejected pre intake and the original fee has been retained by Finance, the application can be accepted and the Dummy Cheque - UID Number Does Not Exist process should be followed.
If the application is a voluntary registration received on or after 30 June 2015, the fee will be subject to the 25% reduction and the original fee submitted may be greater than the fee due.
If payment requirements are not met then, once the remaining relevant steps of initial examination are completed, the application must be rejected in terms of s.22(1)(e) of the 2012 Act.
Examine live deeds
1.14 Check the DIR induces first registration.
1.15 Examine each deed presented for registration to ensure that it is ex facie valid and execution is self-evidencing:
- Parties to deed must be designed
- Deed must include operative words in present tense
- Where appropriate deed must conform closely to statutory style or have minimum content
- Subjects must be adequately described
- Disposition or other deed with granter and grantee must not be by A to A in same capacity
- Deed must be signed/executed appropriately
- Any annexations or schedules should be incorporated into the registrable deed.
1.16 Check the county narrated in the deed and on the form match.
1.17 Check there is no title number quoted and refer if a title number is quoted.
1.18 Check deed(s) for new real burdens/servitudes being created, and refer if necessary.
1.19 Check to see if the subjects lie within a research area, using the research area tool.
A research area is an area of land that has been, or is likely to be, split up into 6 or more units of property that share at least some of the same common prior burdens. The RA check enables early identification of applications that do not lie within a research area and that may need to be rejected if they do not satisfy the Keeper's requirements with regard to burdens/servitudes deeds.
To check whether the subjects being registered lie within a research area:
- Double click on the RA tool icon on your desktop.
- Enter the postcode of the property (if provided in the application); if no postcode is provided, enter the postal address of the property. If no postal address is provided, enter whatever other identification of the property is provided.
- If the subjects do not lie within a research area, the search result will be "
This address is not in a Research Area
". - If the subjects lie within a research area, the search result will be: "xx(number) locations found". Click on dropdown arrow and select the property address of the subjects from the list of addresses provided, then click on "Check this location". The RA tool will provide the number of the research area that affects the subjects.
- If no match for the subjects is found in the RA tool, the search result will be "no results found".
1.19.1 If the subjects are in a research area, write the research area number on the application form and proceed to complete intake process as normal.
1.19.2 If the subjects are not in a research area, complete all remaining Intake checks and refer the application. The reason for the referral should be "Not in R/A, please check burdens/servitudes". Referral officers will check to see whether the deeds referred to for burdens/servitudes in the application form and the DIR agree and whether all required deeds have been submitted. If not, the application will be rejected.
1.19.3 If no match for the subjects is found in the RA tool, complete all remaining Intake checks and refer the application. The reason for the referral should be "Unable to confirm if in R/A".
1.20 If DIR is granted by a Local Authority or Housing Association, complete all remaining intake checks and refer the application.
Referral officers will check whether s.53 of the Title Conditions Act applies.
1.21 Identify if the deed to be registered is a tax notifiable transaction.
1.21.1 If the deed to be registered is not a notifiable transaction, proceed to complete intake process as normal.
1.21.2 If the deed to be registered is a notifiable transaction and the effective date of the transaction is prior to 1 April 2015, ensure that an SDLT certificate has been submitted.
1.21.3 If the deed to be registered is a notifiable transaction and the effective date of the transaction is on or after 1 April 2015, ensure that LBTT requirements for s.43 compliance have been met.
Check if the application form has been stamped to indicate the application is s.43 compliant.
- If the application form has been stamped as s.43 compliant, proceed to complete intake process as normal. A note will be added to the application workdesk N&I stating application is s.43 compliant as part of the create process.
- If the application form has not been stamped as s.43 compliant, complete a check on the tax server.
A1 Login in to tax server.
A2 Input relevant search detail from application searching, for Land Register applications, as follows in the first instance:
- For DW use title number
- For TP use title number and buyer surname
- For FR use Surname and Postcode
Fields which are searchable:
1) Title number/Property address
2) Buyer Forename/Surname
3) Seller Forename/Surname
4) Consideration
5) Effective date
6) Postcode
A3 If match found:
A3.1 Click “Mark as matched” on screen.
A3.2 Stamp application form for relevant deed with s.43 stamp, adding details of tax record number used.
A3.3 Proceed to complete intake process as normal. A note will be added to the application workdesk N&I stating application is s.43 compliant and details of the tax record number added as part of the create process.
A4 If no match found, tick "Include marked transactions records" and search again.
A4.1 If match found in marked transactions records search, stamp application form for relevant deed with s.43 stamp (if not already stamped), adding details of tax record number used.
A4.2 Proceed to complete intake process as normal. A note will be added to the application workdesk N&I stating application is s.43 compliant and details of the tax record number as part of the create process.
A5 If no match found in marked transactions records check, check envelope for paper LBTT return and tax cheque.
A5.1 In all instances of a paper LBTT return being found, pass whole envelope to RPO room and log appropriately.
A5.2 If only tax cheque found, pass tax cheque (and any accompanying correspondence specific to the tax cheque) to RPO room and log appropriately and refer to senior officer due to no match being found.
A5.3 If no paper LBTT Return found refer to senior officer due to no match being found.
A5.3.1 If senior officer subsequently advises that match has been found, stamp application form for relevant deed with s.43 stamp, adding details of tax record number used. Proceed to complete intake process as normal. A note will be added to the application workdesk N&I stating application is s.43 compliant and details of the tax record number as part of the create process.
A5.3.2 Where senior officer subsequently advises that no match has been found, the application should be rejected.
1.21.4 Refer to a senior officer if:
- The deed to be registered is a notifiable transaction and the effective date of the transaction is on or after 1 April 2015 and an SDLT certificate has been submitted;
- The effective date of the transaction cannot be identified;
- It is unclear if the deed to be registered is a notifiable transaction.
1.22 If the applicant is a non-natural person (e.g. a company), check the following are included either in the registrable deed or in the information in the application form:
- the legal system under which the proprietor is incorporated or otherwise established;
- if the non-natural person is a company under the Companies Acts or a limited liability partnership, the company number allocated in terms of the Companies Act.
Following referral, application should be rejected if registrable deed does not meet requirement to be ex facie valid and execution self-evidencing or if the SDLT/LBTT requirements have not been met, or if applicant non-natural person and no legal system in deed or form, or if a company under Companies Acts or LLP, no allocated number in deed or form.
All foregoing process steps should be undertaken before an application is rejected - full reasons for rejection should be provided in writing to the applicant.
Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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