Changing the Category and Complexity Upwards

Changing the Category and Complexity Upwards

You can also change the category and complexity of a case as part of the settle process.

The CMS can recognise a limited number of characteristics in a case which affect the category and complexity for example application type, deed type, form type. APR's, Contracts of Excambion, General Vesting Declarations and dual registrations with Sasines therefore all have fixed routing. CMS can also recognise information added at the plans stage for example Research Area information and number of burdens deeds.

In all other cases, the CMS routes the case to the lowest category and complexity so that is examined by a settler who can determine the correct category and complexity as soon as possible.   Where a settler examines a case and finds additional characteristics which mean that the case should be recategorised, they can recatagorise and send to the appropriate workbasket at the 'Prepare for mapping' or 'Prepare for registration' screen.


  • In the 'Prepare for mapping' screen or 'Prepare for registration screen' answer 'no' to 'I am able to approve the plan' or  'I can complete registration' respectively
  • You will be asked to select the complexity (i.e workbasket) and service standard/category
  • You will only be able to select a higher complexity than the workbasket from where the case came, for example if the case came from the Register Standard basket you will be able to select Register Advanced or Register Authority, if the case came from the Register Advanced basket, you will only be able to select Register Authority.
  • If you are unable to settle the case but want to return it to its original basket, you cannot do that as part of the settle process. You must use the drop down actions menu to recategorise and transfer

The information on this page relates to the Original CMS FR platform. For guidance relating to the LR CMS, see CMS Resources

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
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