Changing the Category and Complexity Downwards

Changing the Category and Complexity Downwards

When a settler pulls a case from Next Assignment and gets a case that has been recategorised upwards as part of the settle process, they can recategorise the case downwards again and send it to the correct workbasket.

The Prepare for mapping or Prepare for registration screen will show that the case has been recategorised upwards and gives the settler the chance to change this.


  • Hit the 'Change complexity' button
  • This gives you the option to change to any basket lower than the basket from which the case came.
  • Select the appropriate workbasket
  • Hit submit
  • This will direct the case to your chosen workbasket.
  • This will not change the category of the case. You will have to do this using the drop down actions menu.

The information on this page relates to the Original CMS FR platform. For guidance relating to the LR CMS, see CMS Resources

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