eFin - Creating UID - Complex Dealing

eFin - Creating UID - Complex Dealing

Process Steps

Additional Information

Automated eFin- Direct Debit

The process below to manually create a UID number(s) should only be completed where the payment method is cheque. If the payment method is direct debit the UID number(s) can be created automatically as part of the Create Application on LRS process.

2.1 Open eFin and log in.

2.2 If any application has been represented, follow the appropriate eFin process identified as part of the initial examination 'examine the payment arrangements' steps.

2.3 Create a new batch or use an existing batch - a batch can contain up to 99 entries. It is recommended that a batch does not exceed 20 entries.

2.3.1 If eFin has closed, retrieve the existing batch using the batch number or name search options.

2.4 Enter the customer and amount details in the cash on account screen.

2.5 Check the agent's details are correct and the correct payment type has been populated (SB = direct debit; SQ = cheque). If the populated payment type differs to the payment method detailed on the application form or to the payment type, see below:

 Payment Account, Payment Type & Payment Method differences

FAS number = DD account; Payment method = Cheque; Cheque submitted - change FAS to cheque account FAS number

FAS number = DD account; Payment method = Cheque; No cheque submitted - contact agent to confirm DD payment method or reject

FAS number = DD account; Payment method = DD; Cheque submitted - contact agent to confirm payment method

FAS number = CHQ account; Payment method = DD; No cheque submitted - contact agent to change FAS to DD account FAS number

FAS number = CHQ account; Payment method = Cheque; No cheque submitted - reject

FAS number = CHQ account; Payment method = DD; Cheque submitted - proceed as cheque

2.6 Click on ok to open the pre-payment case screen.

2.7 In the pre-payment case screen enter:

  • Registration type (F = FR, T = TP, D = DW, S = Sasines)
  • County code 

     See the table for the relevant codes:


    East Lothian12
    Orkney & Zetland23
    Ross & Cromarty27
    West Lothian32
  • Number of documents covered by the payment.

2.8 The UID number has now been automatically created and will appear on the screen. Click on Item to enter details in the document pre-payment document screen.

2.9 In the pre-payment document screen enter the Fee type, Consideration/Fee amount and, if applicable, complete the Presenting agent and Narrative fields.

2.9.1 If the payment presented covers more than document move to the next document screen and repeat.

2.10 Add the UID number to the application form and back of deed, and (if applicable) cheque.                 

2.10.1 Add all applicable UID numbers on the back of the cheque if it covers more than one fee.

 If using a printer:

Feed the appropriate document into the UID printer. Highlight the entry just created and click on the “Print” icon as the top of the screen. This will print every UID number created against that payment. 

 If not using a printer:

Click the “Print” icon at the top of the screen - this commits the information to the eFin system. Hand-write the UID number to the appropriate documents. The UID consists of 11 digits but the screen only shows 9. The missing two would be 01; 02; 03 and so on up to the number of deeds being processed.

UID numbers should always be added to the backing of the deed and never on the deed itself. If a deed does not have a blank backing, a plain sheet of paper should be stapled to the deed and the UID number(s) should be added to the blank sheet. 

2.11 Click on ok to return to the Cash on Account screen and repeat for each cheque contained in the application.

2.12 For any transaction attracting a fee of £1000 or more, email the Finance Direct Debit mailbox quoting the agent and the UID number(s) to prevent the application showing up on a direct debit exceptions report.

2.13 If there is a discrepancy in the fee amount:

  • When the cheque is for a greater amount than the fee, a refund will be given by Finance. Enter the refund required on eFin and send a copy of the form to Finance with the batch report and cheques. If the refund is greater than £200, refer to a team leader.
  • For direct debit applications, where the fee noted on the form and the actual fee calculated is different by £200 or less, process applications with the correct fee. Where the difference is greater than £200, refer to a team leader.

2.14 Any errors identified prior to posting the batch can be corrected in eFin.

2.15 The batch should be posted at the end of the day once all work on eFin has been completed.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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