Enter Batch Details (Cash on Account Screen) - eFin

Enter Batch Details (Cash on Account Screen) - eFin

Once a batch has been created, the Cash on Account screen will be displayed. The Cash on Account screen captures information relating to the agent and the payment.

The financial details of the application should be entered using the following steps:

Process Steps

Additional Information

3.1 Complete the Customer field with the agent's FAS number.

3.1.1 If the paying agent differs to the presenting agent, enter the FAS number of the paying agent.

3.1.2 If a personal cheque signed by the client has been submitted, enter 8888 in the Customer field. The client's name and cheque number is entered into the narrative field in the pre-payments screen.

3.2 Check the agent details in the pop up screen are correct and click OK.

3.3 The FAS number will generate either an SB (direct debit) or an SQ (cheque) account. Check the Payment method detailed on the application form and any payment submitted and confirm the correct account type has been populated. If there are any anomalies see below:

 Payment Account, Payment Method & Payment Type Differences

FAS number = DD account; Payment method = Cheque; Cheque submitted - change FAS to cheque account FAS number

FAS number = DD account; Payment method = Cheque; No cheque submitted - contact agent to confirm DD payment method or reject

FAS number = DD account; Payment method = DD; Cheque submitted - contact agent to confirm payment method

FAS number = CHQ account; Payment method = DD; No cheque submitted - contact agent to change FAS to DD account FAS number

FAS number = CHQ account; Payment method = Cheque; No cheque submitted - reject

FAS number = CHQ account; Payment method = DD; Cheque submitted - proceed as cheque

3.4 Complete the Amount field with the amount narrated on the application form or cheque.

3.5 Tab past all the remaining fields and click on OK to enter the case details on the Pre-Payment case screen.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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