2.10 Crofts
- When the property being registered is a croft but does not include the croft house, use of the gazetteer address for the croft house is inappropriate. Instead, the address for the croft should be entered manually in the gazetteer.
- Property which is part of a croft (and does not contain the croft house), should be narrated as "part of" in the property description.
- If the property was formerly part of a croft (and does not contain the croft house), should be narrated as "formerly part of" in the property description.
- If the property has been de-crofted with a decrofting directive, then they are no longer part of a croft and should be described following the above rule regardless of the wording in the deed. In some circumstances, the decrofting directive may be submitted after the drafting or registering of the deed inducing registration.
- When the property being registered is a croft or croft house that has a postal address in the gazetteer, see Section 1.11 - Croft House Addresses for guidance.
When manually entering an address that cannot be found in the address gazetteer, particular care should be taken to ensure that the post town and/or locality is entered in the correct field. Please check against the approved list of Localities and Post Towns in Scotland.
The deeds will often mention the crofting township, which is not usually classed as a locality in the Royal Mail Gazetteer, but is classed as a sub-locality. As the RoS gazetteer does not currently support the sub-locality field, the gazetteer address may not reflect this. The Royal Mail's gazetteer does however narrate township names in postal addresses, and in many cases in crofting areas, the postal address will be the township, locality and post town. The crofting township should be manually entered in the thoroughfare field.
If only the crofting township and locality are narrated in the deed, the post town should be looked up in the Localities and Post Towns in Scotland list.
Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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