Legal Vet Checklist - High Value Casework - Annex 9

1.1 Take note of all comments made by the plans officer and take action if required.

1.2 Complete an ROI check.

1.3 If the Keeper has already issued a report, then it should be checked and verified. If no report has been issued by the Keeper then the same checks, relevant to the application type, should be carried out. The same operation will be carried out if a report has been issued by another supplier.

1.4 Ensure action is taken to register an Act and Warrant in favour of a Permanent Trustee.

1.5 Highlight to the legal settler if only pro indiviso shares are being registered to the applicants.

1.6 Ensure application is compliant with title conditions legislation, e.g. dual registration requirements are met. This may require further referral.

1.7 Confirm closing note is correct.

1.8 Provide helpful comments for the plans and legal settlers in line with the vetting procedures undertaken. Such comments should highlight potential problems or indicate action already taken to solve them.

1.9 Sign off the application by adding a title note (in the title workdesk of the lead application).


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