How to Use the Mastercard Government Procurement Card

How to Use the Mastercard Government Procurement Card

When a purchasing requirement has been identified the Cardholder must determine the most appropriate supplier of the goods/services, considering current procurement rules, including the use of existing contracts, Call-off Contracts and Framework Agreements. The GPC should not be used to make a separate low value purchase where the purchase could be made under an existing contract.

Having sourced the most appropriate supplier in accordance with the current procurement policy, the supplier should simply be asked whether they accept MasterCard. If for some reason the purchase cannot be made by GPC, then conventional ordering and invoicing methods will have to be used. Please contact the Procurement Department in the first instance for advice. These reasons would include, for example the supplier not accepting MasterCard, the total value of the purchase excluding VAT being above the Cardholders transaction limit or the value of the order causing the Cardholders monthly credit limit to be exceeded. When the Cardholder places an order with their GPC, they must confirm with the supplier that the MasterCard Voucher/VAT Receipt will be issued. If the MasterCard Voucher/VAT Receipt is not issued the supplier should be contacted and the required paperwork requested. Where the supplier fails to provide the required documentation, the Cardholder can contact Royal Bank of Scotland for transactional copies, but contact must be within 60 days from the date of the transaction.

Smartdata must be maintained by the Cardholder for each purchase made using the GPC. A step by step guide on how to use Royal Bank of Scotland/MasterCard's Smartdata system is available via the Procurement Intranet site. Using Smartdata for all GPC purchases enables the Cardholder to keep track of monthly spend and allocate expenditure to relevant cost centres, account codes and activity codes.  Smartdata will also be used by the Card Controller and for Audit purposes.