This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.

PIP 1/2001 Changes to the View and SPL Functionality on the DMS

Plans Information Paper 1/2001: Changes to the View and "SPL" Functionality on the DMS.

Changes to VIEW

As a result of IR205672 and various other problems being incurred with the VIEW functionality on the Drawing Tool ,changes have be made to its use. These changes will be implemented on the evening of Tuesday 6 March when version 5.3.16 of the Drawing Tool is released.

Presently if a user has opened an case on the DMS the system will allow the user to VIEW another area of the mapbase. This is no longer permitted with version 5.3.16.

If a user attempts to use the VIEW button while editing a case the following dialogue box will appear.

Therefore before using the VIEW functionality any case currently being edited will have to be closed.

As a result of this change the current work around using the view facility when casework is incorrectly idented will no longer work.

Instead, if a user has an application that has been associated with the incorrect map tile, and which cannot be rectified easily when using the pan facilities then the user will have to log the problem with the IT helpdesk, quoting both the Title number and the application number of the affected case. IT will then remove the link associating the incorrect map tile with the application. This will then allow the user to associate the correct map through the normal Manual PI procedures.

Changes to SPL's
The SPL process is also being updated with the release of Drawing Tool Version 5.3.16. to take account of changes implemented for pre-mapped titles for Midlothian, where an SPL has been associated with a Research Team, which is to brought forward to all titles with the appropriate pre-map on receipt of an application.

This means for all counties SPL functionality will basically operate in the same manner as images. in that only one SPL needs to be created and subsequent titles will then be associated with that SPL. When the Titles and associated Supplementary Plans are then printed using the batch print process the system will automatically number the SPL with the title number and the appropriate SPL running number.

This will obviously speed up case turn around times and index map searches will benefit in that there will only one SPL to display.

See Section 13.7 - How do I assign the SPL or an existing SPL to My Title? of the Plans Manual for more in depth instructions on the process.

A review is taking place to update existing SPL's.

Plans Services
02 March 2001


This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.

The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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