S17.1 Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

S17.1 Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

Powers of compulsory purchase have been granted by statute to such bodies as Government departments and local authorities.

A Compulsory Purchase Order is prepared by the acquiring authority and recorded in the Sasine Register. A CPO does not by itself transfer the property that it affects. It must be followed by a title in favour of the acquiring authority. The purpose of the recording is to warn any person searching the Register that the property is about to be acquired compulsorily.

Style: See REN 1 x 30 Aug. 2002. (Edited below)

00539 (No.1) 30 Aug. 2002 
COMPULSORY PURCHASE ORDER cited as The M77 Special Road (FENWICK to MALLETSHEUGH) Special Road Scheme COMPULSORY PURCHASE ORDER 2002 by SCOTTISH MINISTERS, - of the following subjects, the descriptions and owners in the Schedule thereof being, inter alia:
- Plot 71 - servitude of laying down &c. drainage apparatus over 223 square metres to north of THREEP KNOWE and to south of ST. MARTINS, AYR ROAD,
NEWTON MEARNS as thereinmentioned - Unknown
- Plot 73 - 1189 square metres to north-west of A77 and to west of ST.
MARTINS, aforesaid - RONALD W MUNN, St Martin's, Ayr Road, Newton Mearns
- Plot 74 - 446 square metres to north-west of A77 and to north-east of ST.
MARTINS, aforesaid - Ronald W Munn
Dated 4 Jul. 2002. (See REN26807, REN15837, REN64536 and REN41222)
[the writ in the immediately preceding minute is reproduced at length on Fiche 237 of the Division of this Register applicable to the County of Ayr commencing on Frame 7 ]. (and by ref on CSS 15829, 1849, 25829)

The entering on the search sheet for a CPO is quite unusual in that the minute should be entered by reference only on the individual search sheets for each property and it should be carried out to its own new sheet. The GVD that usually follows will only go on the new sheet and often contains a composite description of the subjects.

Example Minute: GLA 00776 (No.1) 05 Aug. 2010


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