Render Order Rules in Plan Creator

Render Order Rules in Plan Creator

An enhancement to the Plan Creator has been developed to incorporate a set of automatic rules for the rendering (or ordering) of different types of plans references. This is to assist with the updating of titles historically mapped in the DMS, but will also apply to new titles created in the Plan Creator and will lead to improved consistency of the title structure.

Render order

The render order applied within Plan Creator now follows this order, from top to bottom:

  • DMS labels
  • DMS lines
  • Points
  • Boundary references
  • Lines
  • Labels
  • Leader (call-out) lines
  • Hollow polygons
  • Hatched polygons
  • Edged polygons
    • Within the class of edged polygons, there is a further render order imposed by colour:
    • Red
    • Yellow
    • Brown
    • Green
    • Blue
    • Mauve
  • Filled polygons

Filled/tinted polygons

The order of colours of filled polygons can be manually changed by clicking on and dragging the particular reference within the left hand References panel. Only filled polygons can be moved like this, and only within the list of filled polygons - the principal rendering order described above still applies, so all filled/tinted polygons will still be rendered below any edged polygons in the title.

How this affects ...

...new titles - When you create new references in a title you are mapping in the Plan Creator, they will automatically be rendered in the order of the Plan Creator rendering rules detailed above. You can see this order in the left hand References panel. If you change the style of a reference from, for example, a fill to a hatch, the reference will automatically be moved up the order to sit above any edged or filled polygons.

...DMS titles - When the title was originally mapped in the DMS, the DMS predetermined render order of references will automatically be overwritten to enforce the Plan Creator rendering rules as detailed above.

...Cadmap importsWhen the title is imported from Cadmap, the Cadmap drawing order of references will automatically be overwritten to enforce the Plan Creator rendering rules as detailed above.

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