1.6 Street Name/Thoroughfare Field

1.6 Street Name/Thoroughfare Field

Only a single street name or thoroughfare should be included in this field. If the property is situated on more than one street, individual entries should be made. If a property is situated on a street that forms part of a main thoroughfare, the street name should be used for indexing (see example 1.6.6).

Hints & Tips

  • To get a match in the gazetteer, it may be necessary to split or combine parts of the street name (for example, Howmoss Crescent may be found as How Moss Crescent, and Holly Bank place may be found as Hollybank Place).
  • There is usually no punctuation used in the gazetteer. One exception is that "St." as an abbreviation for saint in a street name must have a full stop. For example, St Mary's Place will usually be found under St. Marys Place.
  • Very occasionally, to get a match in the gazetteer, it may be necessary to drop an "S" from a street name. For example, St Mungo's Road, may be found at St. Mungo Road.
  • It should be noted that apostrophes are inconsistently used in the gazetteer so it may be necessary to try versions of address with and without apostrophes to get a match.
  • If a street or thoroughfare name includes the word "The", this should be retained in the indexing.

Example 1.6.1

19 Duddingston Avenue, Edinburgh EH15 1SJ

PrefixSub BuildingNameProp. No.ThoroughfareLocalityTownPostcodeLink Text
Subjects cadastral unit MIDxxx


Example 1.6.2

38 Summerfield, Earlston TD4 6ET

PrefixSub BuildingNameProp. No.ThoroughfareLocalityTownPostcodeLink Text
Subjects cadastral unit BERxxx


Example 1.6.3

5 St John's Road, Edinburgh EH26 6ET

PrefixSub BuildingNameProp. No.ThoroughfareLocalityTownPostcodeLink Text
Subjects cadastral unit MIDxxx


Example 1.6.4

2 The Crescent, Reay, Thurso KW14 7RF

PrefixSub BuildingNameProp. No.ThoroughfareLocalityTownPostcodeLink Text
Subjects cadastral unit CTHxxx


Example 1.6.5

25 Kellie Place, Alloa FK10 2DW and 6 Ludgate, Alloa FK10 2DR

PrefixSub BuildingNameProp. No.ThoroughfareLocalityTownPostcodeLink Text
Subjects cadastral unit STGxxx

ALLOA FK10 2DR  and


Example 1.6.6

5 St Johns Place, Argyle Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute PA20 0AX

Dependent thoroughfares - St Johns Place is a street forming part of the longer thoroughfare Argyle Street. The gazetteer will show this entry as 5 Argyle Street which could be a different property altogether - the only difference will be the postcode. A manual entry to replace Argyle Street with St. Johns Place will be needed.

If in doubt,please send an email to Mapbase Maintenance and they will confirm the correct format & fields in which to enter the address.

PrefixSub BuildingNameProp. No.ThoroughfareLocalityTownPostcodeLink Text
Subjects cadastral unit BUTxxx


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