Plotting and Scaling

Plotting and Scaling

It is the responsibility of the plans settler to map the cadastral unit onto the cadastral map using the latest available Ordnance Map (OS) base map. The extent to be registered will be based on the information submitted with the application for registration.

When the boundaries of the plot shown on the deed plan (or described in the full bounding description) in the application for registration agree with the map features shown on the OS map, then these map features will be followed by the plans settler - see Further Guidance on Vector perfect Mapping.

When the boundaries of the plot shown on the deed plan (or described in the full bounding description) in the application for registration do not agree with the map features on the OS map, or no such features are shown on the current version of the OS map, then the plans settler is responsible for accurately transferring the detail from the deed plan to the cadastral map. This process is known as plotting and scaling.

Training booklet on plotting & scaling

 Plotting and Scaling Guidance Notes

Plotting & Scaling Guidance Notes

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