Sample Property Section Styles - Tenement Properties

Sample Property Section Styles - Tenement Properties

Style of plans reference

Although the examples given below all refer to the tenement steading cadastral unit as having been edged red on the cadastral map, if the plans settler has decided it is more appropriate to use a tint reference for the tenement steading cadastral unit, this should incorporated into the property section. For example, "Subjects part of cadastral unit STG421356 tinted pink on the cadastral map being...."

Types of tenement block reference

  • If the description in the deed refers to a property being on, for example, " the first floor above ground floor" or "the second floor above the street or ground floor", then this description should be carried forward into the description used in the property section - see 1.1, 1.6, 2.1 and 2.6, below, for examples of this.

  • Where the description in the deed does not give the postal numbers or address of the tenement of which the flat or unit forms part, the plans settler should check the application form and also consider the numbering on the OS map to see if it is obvious what the tenement address is. If it is obvious, then this can be used in the property description; if it is not clear or there is doubt over the numbering, then the tenement should not be referred to in the A Property section - see 1.10 and 1.11, below, for examples of this. In particular, whilst the phrase "...of the tenement of which it forms part..." is acceptable for use when the legal settler edits a burdens deed in the burdens section, it should not be used in the property description in the property section.

  • In some instances, a plans reference is provided on the deed plan for the block (sometimes this is referred to as the solum of the block). If the deed makes use of this block reference as part of the description of the property, then a plans reference should be provided and the property section in the title sheet should follow a similar style. This block reference may not be essential for the property description, but its inclusion means a fuller property description is provided, and the legal settler will normally need to refer to this for rights or burdens in the title sheet. See 1.12 and 5.2 for examples of this.

A useful quick reference table (or crib sheet) has been developed by one of our plans colleagues and is shared here - it covers the most commonly seen tenement block styles and can be used in conjunction with the examples, below.

 Quick reference table

Suffix field

The suffix field of the property section must always contain some text, otherwise the LRS will not permit the application to be completed & despatched - this is a built-in safety measure to make sure no title sheet is accidentally completed with a missing property section. In the very rare occasion where both (1) there is no "together with...." text being added after the property description; and (2) the agreed style of property description does not add text to the suffix field (for example, tenement examples 1.1 & 2.1), it will be necessary to amend the property description to include text in the suffix box. Refer to a referral officer for guidance on how to amend the description. Please note, adding only a full stop to the suffix box is not sufficient and causes problems for various reports run on the LRS.

1. New tenement steading cadastral unit


Example 1.1 - Tenement has only one postal number

  • Deed description - the right-hand or westmost house on the first floor above the ground floor of the tenement 2 Irvine Place, Stirling FK8 1BZ
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - STG421356
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - STG421356
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
Subjects part of cadastral unit STG421356 edged red on the cadastral map being the westmost house on the first floor above the ground floor of the tenement2 IRVINE PLACE, STIRLING, FK8 1BZ

Example 1.2 - Tenement has more than one postal number

  • Deed description - that dwellinghouse entering by the common close 147 Garrioch Road, Glasgow G20 8RH being the left hand or westmost house on the first floor of the tenement 145, 147 and 149 Garrioch Road.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA468957
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA468957
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
Subjects part of cadastral unit GLA468957 edged red on the cadastral map being the westmost house on the first floor at147 GARRIOCH ROAD, GLASGOW, G20 8RHof the tenement 145, 147 and 149 GARRIOCH ROAD

Example 1.3 - Flat has unique postal number

  • Deed description - Flat 5, 663 Great Northern Road, Aberdeen AB24 2BX being the westmost flat on the 3rd floor of the block 663 Great Northern Road
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - ABN246800
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - ABN246800
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
Subjects part of cadastral unit ABN246800 edged red on the cadastral map beingFLAT 5, 663 GREAT NORTHERN ROAD, ABERDEEN, AB24 2BXbeing the westmost flat on the third floor of the block 663 GREAT NORTHERN ROAD

Example 1.4 - Shop has unique postal number

  • Deed description - the ground floor flat shop premises known as 5 St. Leonards Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9QW forming part of the tenement  5, 6 and 7 St. Leonards Street.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - MID629536
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - MID629536
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
Subjects part of cadastral unit MID629536 edged red on the cadastral map being5 ST. LEONARDS STREET, EDINBURGH, EH8 9QWbeing the ground floor shop premises of the tenement 5, 6 and 7 ST. LEONARDS STREET

Example 1.5 - combination of styles

PrefixAddress 1Link textAddress 2Suffix
  • Deed description - that dwellinghouse known as 6a Main Street GLASGOW G1 1XX being the eastmost house on the first floor, entering by the common close 6 Main Street and forming part  of the tenement 6, 8 and 10 Main Street.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA468957
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA468957
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents

  • Note - only include the postcode for the address that is in the gazetteer otherwise the LRS will automatically add an "and" between the link text & address 2. So if the flat is in the gazetteer, omit the postcode from the tenement address (as in this example); or if the block is in the gazetteer, omit the postcode from the flat address.
Subjects part of cadastral unit GLA468957 edged red on the cadastral map being6a MAIN STREET, GLASGOW, G1 1XXbeing the eastmost house on the first floor at6 MAIN STREET, GLASGOWof the tenement 6, 8 and 10 MAIN STREET

Example 1.6 - including a plans reference for exclusive ground

  • Deed description - the left-hand or eastmost house on the first floor above the ground floor of the tenement 6 Irvine Place, Stirling FK8 1BZ, with the exclusive garden ground shown coloured xx on the deed plan
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - STG42345
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - STG42345
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans reference required for exclusive garden ground within steading
Subjects part of cadastral unit STG42345 edged red on the cadastral map being the eastmost house on the first floor above the ground floor of the tenement6 IRVINE PLACE, STIRLING, FK8 1BZwith the garden ground tinted xx on supplementary data 1

Example 1.7 - including a plans reference for the flat

  • Deed description - Flat 4, 667 Great Northern Road, Aberdeen AB24 2BX being the eastmost flat coloured xx on the deed plan on the 3rd floor of the block 663 Great Northern Road
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - ABN246945
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - ABN246945
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans reference required for extent of flat
Subjects part of cadastral unit ABN246945 edged red on the cadastral map beingFLAT 4, 667 GREAT NORTHERN ROAD, ABERDEEN, AB24 2BXbeing the eastmost flat tinted xx on supplementary data 1 on the third floor of the block 667 GREAT NORTHERN ROAD

Example 1.8 - including a plans reference for exclusive ground and for the flat

  • Deed description - that second floor flat shown coloured xx on the deed plan known as 79 Keptie Road, Arbroath, DD11 3EN forming part of the tenement  79 and 80 Keptie Road with the exclusive bin store coloured yy on the said plan
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - ANG791256
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - ANG791256
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans references required for extent of flat & exclusive bin store within steading
Subjects part of cadastral unit ANG791256 edged red on the cadastral map being79 KEPTIE ROAD, ARBROATH, DD11 3ENbeing the flat tinted xx on supplementary data 1 on the second floor of the tenement 79 and 80 KEPTIE ROAD with the bin store tinted yy on supplementary data 1

Example 1.9 - Tenement steading cadastral unit measures 0.5ha or greater

  • Deed description - that dwellinghouse entering by the common close 147 Garrioch Road, Glasgow G20 8RH being the left hand or westmost house on the first floor of the tenement 145, 147 and 149 Garrioch Road.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA468957
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA468957
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
  • Hectarage - greater than 0.5ha. The reference to the hectarage should always be entered immediately after the reference to the cadastral unit, irrespective of the style of tenement description.
Subjects part of cadastral unit GLA468957 edged red on the cadastral map being 0.80 hectares in measurement on the Ordnance map being the westmost house on the first floor at147 GARRIOCH ROAD, GLASGOW, G20 8RHof the tenement 145, 147 and 149 GARRIOCH ROAD

Example 1.10 - Tenement address not given in deed

  • Deed description - that dwellinghouse entering by the common close 147 Garrioch Road, Glasgow G20 8RH being the left hand or westmost house on the first floor of the tenement of which it forms part.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA468957
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA468957
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
  • Tenement address - although no tenement address is provided in the deed, it is clear from the application form or OS map that the tenement comprises postal numbers 145 & 147 Garrioch Road. This can therefore be used in the property description
Subjects part of cadastral unit GLA468957 edged red on the cadastral map being the westmost house on the first floor at147 GARRIOCH ROAD, GLASGOW, G20 8RHof the tenement 145 and 147 GARRIOCH ROAD

Example 1.11 - Tenement address not given in deed

  • Deed description - that dwellinghouse entering by the common close 147 Garrioch Road, Glasgow G20 8RH being the left hand or westmost house on the first floor of the tenement of which it forms part.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA468957
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA468957
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
  • Tenement address - no tenement address is provided in the deed, and it is not clear from the application form or OS map what postal numbers comprise the tenement. The tenement should therefore not be described in the property description
Subjects part of cadastral unit GLA468957 edged red on the cadastral map being the westmost house on the first floor at147 GARRIOCH ROAD, GLASGOW, G20 8RH

Example 1.12 - plans reference for block & verbal description for flat

  • Deed description - the westmost upper floor house 31/3 Newhouse Road, Burntisland KY1 1XX of the block 31 Newhouse Road edged blue on the deed plan with the garden ground tinted pink.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - FFE23645
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - FFE23645
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans reference required for extent of block and the exclusive garden ground; block reference included in property description to give full description as per the deed, and legal settler will edit in any rights or burdens affecting the solum of the block using the plans reference.
Subjects part of cadastral unit FFE23645 edged red on the cadastral map being31/3 NEWHOUSE ROAD, BURNTISLAND KY1 1XXbeing the westmost upper floor house of the block 31 NEWHOUSE ROAD edged blue on supplementary data 1 with the garden ground tinted pink on supplementary data 1

2. Existing tenement steading cadastral unit


Example 2.1 - Tenement has only one postal number

  • Deed description - the left-hand or eastmost house on the second floor above the ground floor of the tenement 2 Irvine Place, Stirling FK8 1BZ
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - STG47345
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - STG421356
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
Subjects part of cadastral unit STG421356 edged red on the cadastral map being the eastmost house on the second floor above the ground floor of the tenement2 IRVINE PLACE, STIRLING, FK8 1BZ

Example 2.2 - Tenement has more than one postal number

  • Deed description - that dwellinghouse entering by the common close 147 Garrioch Road, Glasgow G20 8RH being the right hand or eastmost house on the first floor of the tenement 145, 147 and 149 Garrioch Road.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA468954
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA468957
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
Subjects part of cadastral unit GLA468957 edged red on the cadastral map being the eastmost house on the first floor at147 GARRIOCH ROAD, GLASGOW, G20 8RHof the tenement 145, 147 and 149 GARRIOCH ROAD

Example 2.3 - Flat has unique postal number

  • Deed description - Flat 7, 663 Great Northern Road, Aberdeen AB24 2BX being the westmost flat on the 4th floor of the block 663 Great Northern Road
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - ABN246862
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - ABN246800
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
Subjects part of cadastral unit ABN246800 edged red on the cadastral map beingFLAT 7, 663 GREAT NORTHERN ROAD, ABERDEEN, AB24 2BXbeing the westmost flat on the fourth floor of the block 663 GREAT NORTHERN ROAD

Example 2.4 - Shop has unique postal number

  • Deed description - the ground floor shop premises known as 6 St. Leonards Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9QW forming part of the tenement  5, 6 and 7 St. Leonards Street.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - MID631943
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - MID629536
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
Subjects part of cadastral unit MID629536 edged red on the cadastral map being6 ST. LEONARDS STREET, EDINBURGH, EH8 9QWbeing the ground floor shop premises of the tenement 5, 6 and 7 ST. LEONARDS STREET

Example 2.5 - combination of styles

PrefixAddress 1Link textAddress 2Suffix
  • Deed description - that dwellinghouse known as 6a Main Street GLASGOW G1 1XX being the eastmost house on the first floor, entering by the common close 6 Main Street and forming part  of the tenement 6, 8 and 10 Main Street.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA475001
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA468957
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents

  • Note - only include the postcode for the address that is in the gazetteer otherwise the LRS will automatically add an "and" between the link text & address 2. So if the flat is in the gazetteer, omit the postcode from the tenement address (as in this example); or if the block is in the gazetteer, omit the postcode from the flat address.
Subjects part of cadastral unit GLA468957 edged red on the cadastral map being6a MAIN STREET, GLASGOW, G1 1XXbeing the eastmost house on the first floor at6 MAIN STREET, GLASGOWof the tenement 6, 8 and 10 MAIN STREET

Example 2.6 - including a plans reference for exclusive ground

  • Deed description - the left-hand or eastmost house on the second floor above the ground or street floor of the tenement 6 Irvine Place, Stirling FK8 1BZ, with the exclusive garden ground shown coloured xx on the deed plan
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - STG42444
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - STG42345
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans reference required for exclusive garden ground within steading
Subjects part of cadastral unit STG42345 edged red on the cadastral map being the eastmost house on the second floor above the ground or street floor of the tenement6 IRVINE PLACE, STIRLING, FK8 1BZwith the garden ground tinted xx on supplementary data 1

Example 2.7 - including a plans reference for the flat

  • Deed description - Flat 7, 667 Great Northern Road, Aberdeen AB24 2BX being the westmost flat coloured xx on the deed plan on the 1st floor of the block 667 Great Northern Road
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - ABN25001
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - ABN246945
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans reference required for extent of flat
Subjects part of cadastral unit ABN246945 edged red on the cadastral map beingFLAT 7, 667 GREAT NORTHERN ROAD, ABERDEEN, AB24 2BXbeing the westmost flat tinted xx on supplementary data 1 on the first floor of the block 667 GREAT NORTHERN ROAD

Example 2.8 - including a plans reference for exclusive ground and for the flat

  • Deed description - that first floor flat shown coloured xx on the deed plan known as 80A Keptie Road, Arbroath, DD11 3EN forming part of the tenement 79 and 80 Keptie Road with the exclusive bin store coloured yy on the said plan
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - ANG801045
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - ANG791256
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans references required for extent of flat & exclusive bin store within steading
Subjects part of cadastral unit ANG791256 edged red on the cadastral map being80A KEPTIE ROAD, ARBROATH, DD11 3ENbeing the flat tinted xx on supplementary data 1 on the first floor of the tenement 79 and 80 KEPTIE ROAD with the bin store tinted yy on supplementary data 1

Example 2.9 - Tenement steading cadastral unit measures 0.5ha or greater

  • Deed description - that dwellinghouse entering by the common close 147 Garrioch Road, Glasgow G20 8RH being the right hand or eastmost house on the first floor of the tenement 145, 147 and 149 Garrioch Road.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA468954
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA468957
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or pertinents
  • Hectarage - greater than 0.5ha. The reference to the hectarage should always be entered immediately after the reference to the cadastral unit, irrespective of the style of tenement description.
Subjects part of cadastral unit GLA468957 edged red on the cadastral map being 0.80 hectares in measurement on the Ordnance map being the eastmost house on the first floor at147 GARRIOCH ROAD, GLASGOW, G20 8RHof the tenement 145, 147 and 149 GARRIOCH ROAD

3. Tenement steading parent title with schedule of removals


Tenement steading parent titles are set up by creating an internal TP to remove the whole tenement steading from the development parent title, and setting it up as the title sheet for the tenement steading. All TP applications for flats will be removed from the tenement steading title sheet by entering them on a schedule of removals in the tenement steading title sheet. Any previous (1979 Act) removals of flats will added to the schedule of removals when the tenement steading parent title is being set up.

Example 3.1

  • Tenement steading description - the tenement 73 Keptie Road, Arbroath DD11 3EN
  • Title number allocated to the tenement steading title sheet - ANG801993
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red
  • Previous TPs of flats under 1979 Act? - No
  • Schedule of removals? - Not yet, will only be required when the first TP for a flat is removed
  • Property section note? - Not yet, will only be required when the first TP for a flat is removed
Subjects cadastral unit ANG80199373 KEPTIE ROAD, ARBROATH, DD11 3ENedged red on the cadastral map

Example 3.2

Property section note
  • Tenement steading description - the tenement 74 Keptie Road, Arbroath DD11 3EN
  • Title number allocated to the tenement steading title sheet - ANG820967
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no plans refs needed for the flats that have been removed.
  • Previous TPs of flats under 1979 Act? - Yes
  • Schedule of removals? - Yes, needed for the 1979 Act PRs and will then be added to when the first and future 2012 Act TPs for flats are removed
  • Property section note? - Yes, will be added by legal settler when schedule of removals is created.
Subjects cadastral unit ANG82096774 KEPTIE ROAD, ARBROATH, DD11 3ENedged red on the cadastral map
The parts specified in the schedule of removals below have been removed from this title.

4. Flat described as tenement under exception


It is not uncommon to encounter conveyances of the last flat sold from a tenement which describe the subjects being sold as being the whole tenement steading under exception of the parts (shops, flats, etc.) previously sold. This style of description is often used, rather than using a positive description of the last flat & its pertinents in the extent deed, because it ensures that the original seller is not inadvertently left with the responsibility for any part of the tenement which may have been overlooked. The property description in the title sheet must reflect the terms of the deed(s).

In split villa scenarios, we do occasionally  encounter blocks that comprise two or more named properties rather than numbered properties. See example 4.4.

Another variation is a property being described as a part of the tenement steading cadastral unit under exception of the parts (shops, flats, garage, etc.) previously sold. See example 4.3.

Examples of hybrid descriptions (under exception description plus a positive description) are given at 4.2 and 4.5 .

Example 4.1

  • Deed description - 26 London Road, Glasgow G1 5NB being the whole tenement under exception of the property previously disponed in (i) Disposition......(ii) Disposition..... etc.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA145987
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA111222
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or its pertinents, no separate plans references required for the excepted flats & their pertinents.
  • Schedule of Exceptions? - Yes, legal settler to be asked to prepare one.
Subjects cadastral unit GLA11122226 LONDON ROAD, GLASGOW G1 5NBedged red on the cadastral map under exception of the parts specified in the schedule of exceptions below.

Example 4.2

  • Deed description - westmost house on ground floor of the tenement 26 London Road, Glasgow G1 5NB comprising the whole tenement under exception of the property previously disponed in (i) Disposition......(ii) Disposition..... etc.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA145992
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA111222
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or its pertinents, no separate plans references required for the excepted flats & their pertinents.
  • Schedule of Exceptions? - Yes, legal settler to be asked to prepare one.

Subjects cadastral unit GLA111222


edged red on the cadastral map under exception of the parts specified in the schedule of exceptions below, being the westmost house on the ground floor of the tenement 26 LONDON ROAD

Example 4.3

  • Deed description - the ground and first floor garage and house 6 Stockbridge Mews, Edinburgh EH99 9XX part of the building 6 and 8 Stockbridge Mews under exception of the ground floor garage registered under MIDxxxx.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - MID456789
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - MID456789
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat, no separate plans references required for the excepted garage.
  • Schedule of Exceptions? - Yes, legal settler to be asked to prepare one.

Subjects part of cadastral unit MID456789 edged red on the cadastral map being


being the ground and first floor garage and house of the building 6 and 8 STOCKBRIDGE MEWS under exception of the parts specified in the schedule of exceptions below

Example 4.4

  • Deed description - Broomside, Aboyne being the whole former single house now comprising Broomside and The Whinns under exception of the property previously disponed in (i) Disposition..... etc.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - ABN36936
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - ABN36936
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, no separate plans references required for flat or its pertinents, no separate plans references required for the excepted flats & their pertinents.
  • As the block has no street number to uniquely identify it, the postal addresses for the component parts must all be entered in the address section.
  • Schedule of Exceptions? - Yes, legal settler to be asked to prepare one.
Subjects cadastral unit ABN36936 beingBROOMSIDE, SMITH STREET, ABOYNE ABxx 5xx and THE WHINNS, SMITH STREET, ABOYNE ABxx5xxedged red on the cadastral map under exception of the parts specified in the schedule of exceptions below, comprising BROOMSIDE, SMITH STREET.
Example 4.5

  • Deed description - westmost house coloured red on ground floor of the tenement 26 London Road, Glasgow G1 5NB comprising the whole tenement under exception of the property previously disponed in (i) Disposition......(ii) Disposition..... etc.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - GLA145992
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - GLA111222
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans references required for flat or its pertinents, no separate plans references required for the excepted flats & their pertinents.
  • Schedule of Exceptions? - Yes, legal settler to be asked to prepare one.
Subjects cadastral unit GLA11122226 LONDON ROAD, GLASGOW G1 5NBedged red on the cadastral map under exception of the parts specified in the schedule of exceptions below, being the westmost house tinted blue on supplementary data 1 on the ground floor of the tenement 26 LONDON ROAD

5. Four in a block-type properties


A relatively common Scottish property type is the four (or two) in a block - this consists of a purpose built building, similar in appearance to a pair of semi-detached villas, but where the upper and lower floors on each side comprise separate flats or units.

Example 5.1 - verbal descriptions for block and flat

  • Deed description - the westmost upper floor house 31 Newhouse Road, Burntisland KY1 1XX of the block 31, 33, 35 and 37 Newhouse Road with the garden ground tinted pink.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - FFE23645
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - FFE23645
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans reference required for extent of exclusive garden ground
Subjects part of cadastral unit FFE23645 edged red on the cadastral map being31 NEWHOUSE ROAD, BURNTISLAND KY1 1XXbeing the westmost upper floor house of the block 31 to 37 (odd numbers) NEWHOUSE ROAD with the garden ground tinted pink on supplementary data 1

Example 5.2 - plans reference for block & verbal description for flat

  • Deed description - the westmost upper floor house 31 Newhouse Road, Burntisland KY1 1XX of the block 31, 33, 35 and 37 Newhouse Road edged blue on the deed plan with the garden ground tinted pink.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - FFE23645
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - FFE23645
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans reference required for extent of block and the exclusive garden ground; block reference included in property description to give full description as per the deed, and legal settler will edit in any rights or burdens affecting the solum of the block using the plans reference.
Subjects part of cadastral unit FFE23645 edged red on the cadastral map being31 NEWHOUSE ROAD, BURNTISLAND KY1 1XXbeing the westmost upper floor house of the block 31 to 37 (odd numbers) NEWHOUSE ROAD edged blue on supplementary data 1 with the garden ground tinted pink on supplementary data 1

Example 5.3 - plans reference for the flat

  • Deed description - the upper floor house 31 Newhouse Road, Burntisland KY1 1XX tinted blue on the deed plan of the block 31, 33, 35 and 37 Newhouse Road with the garden ground tinted pink.
  • Title number allocated to the flat title sheet - FFE23645
  • Cadastral unit number allocated to the tenement steading - FFE23645
  • Mapping style - tenement steading cadastral unit edged red, separate plans reference required for extent of flat and for exclusive garden ground

Subjects part of cadastral unit FFE23645 edged red on the cadastral map being


being the upper floor house tinted blue on supplementary data 1 of the block 31 to 37 (odd numbers) NEWHOUSE ROAD with the garden ground tinted pink on supplementary data 1

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