Sample Property Section Styles - Salmon Fishings

Sample Property Section Styles - Salmon Fishings

Under the 2012 Act, a separate legal tenement constitutes a plot of land, and the Keeper must make up and maintain a title sheet for each registered plot of land. Salmon fishings, being a separate legal tenement, are treated as a plot of land, and an ownership title relating to salmon fishings will have its own title sheet and cadastral unit.

A lease of salmon fishings will also have its own title sheet, and will make reference to the cadastral unit for the ownership of the salmon fishings - see Sample Property Section Styles - Leases and sub-leases for general examples of property sections for leases of whole & part.

When entering the property description into the property section of a salmon fishings title sheet, the right to the fishings must be included as well as a description of the area. The style of property section description to be used will be dependent upon the style used to describe the fishings in the application - precise extent, or within a larger area. If the salmon fishings are described by reference to a larger area, the wording of the deed (i.e. the part detailing exactly what rights are being registered) should be carried forward to give a clear description of exactly which rights are included within the title.

Only a few examples of salmon fishings property sections have been given below - if the examples cannot be adapted to fit with the application you are working on, please refer to a senior adviser for guidance.

1. Salmon Fishings - precise extent


Example 1.1

  • Deed description - Salmon fishing rights on the River Tay, Aberfeldy shown coloured blue on the deed plan
  • Extent of fishings can be mapped with a precise extent
  • Cadastral unit number allocated - PTH12345
  • Mapping style - cadastral unit edged red, no tint references required
Subjects cadastral unit PTH12345 being the rights of salmon fishing on the RiverTAY, ABERFELDYedged red on the cadastral map

Example 1.2

  • Deed description - Salmon fishing rights on Cleden Water, Dunscore, Dumfries shown hatched brown on the deed plan
  • Extent of fishings can be mapped with a precise extent
  • Cadastral unit number allocated - DMF87456
  • Mapping style - cadastral unit tinted pink, no other tint references required
  • Area measurement is 2.302 hectares
Subjects cadastral unit DMF87456 being the rights of salmon fishing onCLEDEN WATER, DUNSCORE, DUMFRIEStinted pink on the cadastral map being 2.30 hectares in measurement on the Ordnance Map

Example 1.3

  • Deed description - Salmon fishing rights in Loch Laing, Plockton shown edged blue on the deed plan
  • Extent of fishings can be mapped with a precise extent & comprise the whole loch
  • Cadastral unit number allocated - ROS4680
  • Mapping style - cadastral unit edged red, no tint references required
  • Area measurement is 5.12 hectares
Subjects cadastral unit ROS4680 being the rights of salmon fishing inLOCH LAING, PLOCKTON

edged red on the cadastral map being 5.12 hectares in measurement on the Ordnance Map

Example 1.4

  • Deed description - Salmon fishing rights in a given part of Loch Laing, Plockton edged blue on the deed plan
  • Extent of fishings can be mapped with a precise extent & comprise only part of the loch
  • Cadastral unit number allocated - ROS4681
  • Mapping style - cadastral unit tinted pink, no other tint references required
Subjects cadastral unit ROS4681 being the rights of salmon fishing in that part ofLOCH LAING, PLOCKTONtinted pink on the cadastral map

Example 1.5

  • Deed description - Salmon fishing rights within the Raasay Estate, Isle of Raasay, Kyle in those rivers, streams and burns shown with blue lines on the deed plan
  • Extent of fishings can be mapped with a precise extent
  • Cadastral unit number allocated - INV63081
  • Mapping style - cadastral unit a mixture of blue tints for any double-banked rivers and broken blue lines for the single line water features
Subjects cadastral unit INV63081 being the rights of salmon fishing within theRAASAY ESTATE, ISLE OF RAASAY, KYLEin those rivers, streams and burns tinted blue on the cadastral map and shown with broken blue lines on the cadastral map

2. Salmon Fishings - within a larger area


Example 2.1

  • Deed description - Right of salmon fishing in all rivers, streams, ponds and lochans within the Glenbervie Estate shown coloured pink on the deed plan
  • Extent of estate/larger area can be mapped with a verbal description (taken from the wording of the deed) used for the fishings within it
  • Cadastral unit number allocated - KNC56123
  • Mapping style - cadastral unit edged red, no tint references required
  • Area measurement - 31.452 hectares
Subjects part of cadastral unit KNC56123 being the rights of salmon fishing in all rivers, streams, ponds and lochans within theGLENBERVIE ESTATE, STONEHAVENedged red on the cadastral map being 31.45 hectares in measurement on the Ordnance Map

3. Salmon Fishings - in the sea


Example 3.1

  • Deed description - Salmon fishing rights in those parts of the sea at Balnabadoch, Loch Ob, Barra shown coloured blue on the deed plan, and further described by the co-ordinate data in schedule 2 to the deed
  • Extent of fishings can be mapped with a precise extent
  • Cadastral unit number allocated - SEA12345
  • Mapping style - cadastral unit edged red, no tint references required
  • Area measurement is 42.350 hectares
  • Legal settler will add a schedule of co-ordinates to the property section
Subjects cadastral unit SEA12345 being the rights of salmon fishing in those parts of the sea atBALNABODACH, LOCH OB, ISLE OF BARRA

edged red on the cadastral map being 42.35 hectares in measurement on the Ordnance Map

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